Amy Boyles ~ About the Author

Posted September 13, 2018 by karenbaron in About the Author / 0 Comments

Amy Boyles~About the Author HeaderThis month’s featured author is Amy Boyles.

Hi, Everyone

I haven’t taken the opportunity to read any of Amy Boyles books. However, my mom and my aunt both love her Sweet Tea Witches Series. My mom is even talking about reading Ms. Boyles’ Bless Your Witch Series. Which I have to tell you since I signed up for her newsletter she gave me a copy of Wedding Bells and Rats Tails, from the Bless Your Witch Series. So, you know it is on my TBR list.

My great grandma is from Louisiana, and some of the things that happen in the Sweet Tea Witches series remind my mom of her granny. My aunt and mom laugh about how Betty could be part of our family. If you go hungry from Betty Craple’s table, you either made Betty mad or just weren’t paying attention.

Well, enough about that let’s get to the interview. I like to ask the author something about their personal life, writing style and the books they write. So, the questions are broken into those three categories.



Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?

I grew up in Alabama, which is where I set all my books. The towns are always fictional and a lot of fun to create. Something not many people know about me is that in college I did an internship at Marvel Comics in New York. I had the pleasure of working in the X-Men office, which was pretty cool.

OK, working for Marvel. That is the coolest!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I would want all of them. I couldn’t have only one. What would happen is I would start focusing on all the pros and cons of each superpower. I’d want to be able to fly for one reason, to be strong for another. I’d obviously need to be invisible to avoid bad guys, and super speed would be awesome, too.

Do you have a bucket list? What is currently your favorite item on it?

My current favorite item on my bucket list is to go on a Disney Cruise. Hoping to knock that one off in the next year or so. We’ll see.


Writing Style

What do you love most about your writing process?

I love the improvisational quality of it. I usually have an idea of major beats or events that need to occur in a book, but often in between, characters say or do things I don’t expect. It’s a real hoot to sit back and let the story spew from my fingertips.

Do you like music or silence?

I like silence. For years I would wake up and write at 4 a.m. before my infant daughter awoke. I got used to silence and have stayed with it.

Do you write in the early morning, during the day or late evening?

I write early to mid-morning. I like to be finished creating by noon.

Do you have goals of certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes?

I have daily word goals that I have to keep in order to stay on my production schedule. I’ve done that for years, though my goal has slowly increased from 2,000 to its current 3,500 words a day.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?

They often hijack. Those are the best bits to write.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

Little preschoolers, who try to hijack my computer to watch “What Does the Fox Say?”

What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

I’m friends with the writing duo that is Alicia Hunter Pace. These ladies write wonderful small town romances. I’m also friends with Bambi Lynn, who writes steamy paranormal historicals. I’ve plotted with them, and it’s a wonderful process to use when I’m stuck on a sticky story point.

How important are character names to you in your books?

It depends on the character.

Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning?

I choose the villain Rufus’s first name because to me; it was completely ridiculous that a villain would have such a non-frightening name. My heroes have strong names, my heroines have sweet names, and my grannies have names that I feel they would have based on when they were born.



What is your favorite part of the Sweet Tea Witches Series or Bless Your Witch Series?

My favorite part of both those books are creating the worlds.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write for Southern Karma and why?

My favorite part of this book is that we really get to understand why Rufus is a bad guy. We get to see inside his head.

If you could spend time with a character from one of your Series whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

If I wasn’t married, I’d say I’d obviously go on a date with one of my heroes. But since I am, I’d love to spend time with Betty Craple from Sweet Tea. She’s a hoot. I’d also love to go shopping with Amelia and Cordelia. Oh, and watch aunts Mint and Licky work mischief.

When you are writing or building a character, do you like to find a photo of a celebrity or random person to help you build the character or is it all from your imagination?

I do both. I keep mental images of what folks look like.

What project are you working on now?

Currently working on a new series to start in October.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

Lots of books, including Southern Magic Thanksgiving and Southern Magic Christmas.


If you would like to check out the reviews for Amy Boyles’ Sweet Tea Witches Series just click the cover.

Southern Magic by Amy BoylesSouthern Spells by Amy BoylesSouthern Myths by Amy BoylesSouthern Sorcery by Amy BoylesSouthern Cures by Amy Boyles.2Southern Karma by Amy Boyles







Southern Magic Thanksgiving by Amy Boyles 333x500









Buy Links:

Southern Magic Southern Spells Southern Myths

Southern Sorcery Southern Curses Southern Karma

Southern Magic Thanksgiving


To learn more about Amy Boyles wonderful books, check out these links:

Website Facebook Goodreads Amazon



There is still time to sign up for the Giveaway of Southern Karma. So enter today!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A special thank you to Amy for taking the time to answers my questions and be featured on my blog.

Until the next time, happy reading!

Karen Signature




Amy Boyles~About the Author

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