I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Prism Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Marine's Return
by Rula Sinara
Series: From Kenya with Love #6
Series Rating:

Published by Harlequin Heartwarming Large Print on December 31, 2018
Genres: Sweet Romance
Pages: 384
Format: Kindle
Source: Prism Book Tours
Get Your Copy at: Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, Harlequin, Kobo, iBooks
He can’t be her hero…
But he made a promise to keep her safe
Wounded marine Chad Corallis just wants to be left alone. Until he discovers his best friend’s very pregnant widow is in danger. A dedicated nurse, she refuses to leave her Serengeti medical clinic when it’s threatened by poachers. Chad is honor-bound to protect her, but who will save him from falling for his best friend’s wife?
Will Lexi and Chad heal each other?
The Marine’s Return by Rula Sinara is fabulous. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the characters, the setting, and family. Lexi and Chad are such beautiful characters, their story adds splendidly to the others in the From Kenya, With Love Series. I haven’t read the first five books but if I find the time I will be reading them. We are given a glimpse of the others throughout the story, and I fell in love with all of them.
Lexi Galen
Lexi is such a fabulous character, she is well developed and has such presence. She is an orphan whose parents lost her because they went to jail. All that Lexi has ever wanted was to have a family and help people. That reason is why she is a nurse.
Lexi married Tony who was a medic in the Marine Corps. However, shortly after they were married Tony was killed in Afghanistan. However, Lexi found out she is pregnant after Tony’s death. But, Tony and Lexi had a plan to move to Kenya where Tony grew up and help the needy there. Since she has nothing else to live for in the states, she decides to take a job with Hope Corallis in Kenya.
The thing about Lexi is she doesn’t do anything halfway. She isn’t afraid to get dirty; she honestly wants to help everyone. Lexi is a bit stubborn and emotional at times, but what pregnant woman isn’t? Heck, what woman isn’t? Basically, Lexi loves with her whole heart, and throughout the story, we get to see how receiving unconditional love and friendship brightens her life.
Marine Sergeant Chad Corallis
Chad takes stubbornness to a whole new level. He was wounded in Afghanistan and lost his right arm. However, he can’t get past the pain, and guilt associated with his injuries and the event that crippled him. Chad doesn’t want help. He perceives that people look at him and only see the scars and a missing arm. As he can’t imagine who he is now. Let just say that Chad has a massive chip on his shoulder.
Chad happens to be Tony’s best friend and Tony asked him to make sure Lexi was safe if he didn’t make it home. So, Chad has this obligation to his best friend and fellow Marine that he must uphold, but doing what needs to be done is more than he can handle. Or is it?
Throughout the story we see Chad’s perception of himself change as he grows closer to Lexi and the other people at the outpost clinic that his mother, Hope runs. He learns to trust his instincts again and see the possibilities of the future.
Random things that I liked about the story
- Jacey the former Army soldier and Taj’s romance
- Babies are babies and blood wasn’t important
- KWS or Kenyan Wildlife Service that assists the orphaned elephants
- Mac, the helicopter bush pilot
- Hope and Ben. They are an epic couple
- Roosevelt, the dog
- Leboo the teenage Masai boy who learned to trust
- Lots of giving and not expecting anything in return
5 Stars for The Marine’s Return by Rula Sinara
My rating for The Marine’s Return by Rula Sinara is five stars. The story is filled with sharp minds, goodwill, and love. The characters were fascinating and stole my heart from the very beginning.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves romance.

Other Books in the Series

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
- 2019 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge
- 2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge
- 2019 New Release Challenge
Thanks so much for hosting and for taking the time to review the book! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I had fun including Hope and Ben, once again, in the series. Their original love story takes place in book 2 (After the Silence) and they play a big role in book 4 (Every Serengeti Sunrise), which centers around Chad’s sister, Maddie, finding love. I’ve really loved writing the series. Thanks again!