Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman

Posted June 16, 2024 by BaronessMom in Blog Tour, Contest - Giveaway, Mystery, Review, Series / 0 Comments

Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman

Murder on the Med

by Nancy Cole Silverman
Series: Kat Lawson Mystery #3
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by Level Best Books on June 4, 2024
Setting: Amalfi Coast, Italy
Genres: Historical Mystery
Pages: 270
Format: ebook
Source: Great Escapes Book Tours
Get Your Copy at: Amazon
Also in this series: The Navigator's Daughter, Passport to Spy

A travel feature turns into a deadly investigation for Kat Lawson when she discovers a missing passenger, presumed overboard, may have been used as a mule to smuggle ancient artifacts aboard Athena, a luxury cruise ship designed for retired seniors at sea.

Kat Lawson has got a plumb assignment, or so she thinks. Travel International has rewarded her with a vacation cruise along the Amalfi Coast to report on a new floating senior retirement center. After working undercover as a travel reporter for the FBI and barely escaping her last assignment with her life, Kat's job is to relax, take notes, shoot pictures, and report back on an extravagant cruise from Napes to Positano. What could go wrong?

But once aboard, Kat quickly learns it's not all smooth sailing. Kat finds a handbag for Dede Drummerhausen, the woman who owns the suite where Kat is staying, and hidden inside is a gold coin. Rumor abound. Passengers and some of their possessions have gone missing. The residents are restless, and some on board are suspicious of a travel reporter who might uncover their secret mission. When Athena's captain discovers Kat snooping below deck, she soon realizes, like the antiquities hidden onboard, that she's been kidnapped and that her job and her life are in danger.

Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman is spectacular! I love it!

Will Kat get to enjoy the rest and relaxation that she is promised?

We start off with this one sentence that embodies the whole story being told.

After all. how much trouble can one find aboard a 600-foot yacht with a bunch of senior citizens in the middle of the Mediterranean?

Kat Lawson

Our investigator, Kat Lawson, is off for a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea to write an article about the Athena. However, it is supposed to be mostly time for her to relax and regroup after her past assignments. The thing is, Kat always seems to show up where there is trouble or it finds her. This is good for her as a reporter but not so much as a vacation.

Kat is a great character. I love the way that she makes people believe they can trust her with their secrets. Not that she is betraying them, but she is a reporter and a spy, so… She is a good judge of character now that she is older and understands life better. There was that time before; oh, never mind, that was a different book.Murder on the Med CR

The Mystery

Kat arrives on the ship in the middle of the night, but the next day, she is greeted by the lovely Churchill sisters. The elderly ladies are convinced that their friend Dede has fallen overboard and everyone is trying to cover it up. Kat starts to investigate quietly, even though she isn’t sure if she can trust the source. However, she finds other things that are happening that don’t set well with her. Then, another death or two, and she is convinced that something is going on. She has no backup on the ship and is basically alone, so she needs to figure out who she can trust and fast.

Five Stars

I love this series. It is set in the late 1990s and early 2000s, which is great because those times were easier. People had cell phones, but they weren’t attached to them like they are now. Another thing I love about this series is the way the author wraps parts of history into her fictional plot. Anyway, this story reminds us that “looting tombs of the dead and the graveyards of lost civilizations. That’s cultural homicide.”

My rating for Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman is five stars. I was completely entertained, learned a few things I didn’t know, and enjoyed the story immensely. I highly recommend Murder on the Med. 


Kat Lawson Mysteries

The Navigator's Daughter by Nancy Cole Silverman Passport to Spy by Nancy Cole Silverman



Prize: 5 ePub Copies of Murder on the Med: A Kat Lawson Mystery by Nancy Cole Silverman US ONLY

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


About Nancy Cole Silverman

Nancy Cole Silverman

Nancy Cole Silverman spent nearly twenty-five years in news and talk radio, beginning her career in college on the talent side as one of the first female voices on the air. Later on the business side in Los Angeles, she retired as one of two female general managers in the nation’s second-largest radio market. After a successful career in the radio industry, Silverman retired to write fiction. Her short stories and crime-focused novels—the Carol Childs and Misty Dawn Mysteries, (Henry Press) are both Los Angeles-based. Her newest series THE NAVIGATOR’S DAUGHTER, (Level Best Books) takes a more international approach. Silverman lives in Los Angeles with her husband and a thoroughly pampered standard poodle.

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Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman

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