Voklane by Sarah Westill

Posted August 31, 2024 by BaronessMom in Fantasy, Mystery, Review, Romance, Series / 0 Comments

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The following book/movie/show may contain explicit language, adult themes, violence and may not be suitable for readers/viewers under 18. Discretion is strongly advised.
Voklane by Sarah Westill


by Sarah Westill
Series: Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #8
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by ISL Media on Publication date July 29, 2024
Setting: Haven City, Sziveria
Genres: Dystopian Romantic Suspense Mystery
Pages: 437
Format: Kindle, Paperback
Source: the Author
Get Your Copy at: Amazon
Also in this series: Wintersfall, Raiventon, Kynhaven, Levkaseon, Asherwick, Ericksen, Survaine, Wolvenguard

Ryan liked the slip that revealed she’d imagined a future with him, though he shouldn’t. Liked it so much he didn’t think before speaking. “Maybe I need to be driven crazy.”

The story of a lifetime lands in Delanee Ralston’s hands, giving her the perfect chance to leave the fluff of the social pages behind. The only problem? The opportunity comes attached to perhaps the most formidable guardian in the nation. A man who tests Delanee’s preconceived notions about her future and challenges her very nature. A man whose life may be the biggest story of all….

Living in the shadows is a necessity for Ryan Voklane. The power of his genetic talent is a secret he can’t afford to reveal. To anyone. Inviting a journalist into the privacy of his home may be the biggest mistake he has ever made. Or the best decision of his life. Delanee turns out to be what Ryan never knew he needed and isn’t sure he can keep. The feisty journalist reveals her innocence with every sensual encounter, reminding Ryan of what he has lost over the years, and what he could have if only he’s willing to trust.

Delanee tries to resist falling for the powerful guardian and struggles to maintain a secret of her own. An omission that threatens to unravel the only relationship she has ever wanted.

Forces fighting to keep the power they have worked so hard to achieve put Delanee in more danger than anyone, including her fiercely protective family, could realize. Ryan finds himself in a desperate race to discover the identity and purpose of the nefarious V Alliance before an unimaginable betrayal can rock the foundations of Sziveria.

Voklane by Sarah Westill is amazingly beautiful and smoking hot. I absolutely love the way everything is wrapped up.

Will Ryan and Delanee find the V Alliance and take them down?

Ryan Voklane

Ryan has been present since the first book. He is always involved in every aspect of the teams’ efforts to find this unknown enemy who has been engaged in ruining Sziveria. Voklane is trusted by the country’s top leaders, and in this last installment, we learn why. His gift is so much more than he knows, but can he control it and keep all his other secrets?

I loved learning more about Ryan, his past, his parents, his gifts, and the life he is moving toward. He has always intrigued me as a character. Ms. Westhill does a fantastic job showing us how strong he is and how, like everyone, he lacks confidence now and then.

Delanee Ralston

Voklane CRDelanee is a strong and accomplished columnist who wants more than just being known for the society column. At least she thinks she knows exactly what she wants in life. Delanee thinks of herself as untouchable because she is a member of the Ralston family. Yet, being part of this family isn’t always easy, as the expectations are immense.

But Ryan makes her question her plans. The two of them bring out the best in each other. They make a brilliant team. Ryan honestly never knew what hit him.

The V Alliance

OMG! I never guessed who spearheaded that organization. No wonder they thought they were unstoppable. Still, nothing excuses the things they did to the people of their world. The way they caught the culprits was pretty amazing. I will miss these lovely characters and the fantastic world Ms. Westill put together for us.

Five Stars

My rating for Voklane by Sarah Westill is five stars. I adore this series. If you haven’t read it, don’t start with this book but any of the others. This is one that I completely recommend. Ms. Westill has an outstanding writer’s voice. The descriptions and settings are all so vibrant that I can feel and smell the scenes she writes. I get transported to this fantastic Post-Cataclysmic world hooked me from the beginning.

I can’t wait to see what this author’s next series is like. Keep writing, Sarah!


The Guardians of Sziveria Series

Gen-Heirs~ The Guardians of Sziveria Series


Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Voklane by Sarah Westill.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT



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About Sarah Westill

Sarah Westill

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself to the universe, I am Sarah Westill. Christian, wife, mother, author, novice artist, professional photographer, graphic designer (this is actually my ‘real’ job), and teacher!
I homeschool our youngest for a few more months as he transitions from 6th to 7th grade, then I’m sending him to private school for actual 7th grade.

I also dabble in art. I love watercolors and have been tinkering with acrylic for a medium. I discovered I have a minor obsession with Golden paints, and have been investing in the primary colors that are in the same family (warm and cool) to make my own beautiful colors.

I absolutely LOVE to teach littles art. 2nd grade is my favorite. In addition to wanting to please, they actually still listen to instruction at this age and are so proud of themselves when they complete any portion. They aren’t hard on themselves yet, they don’t self-criticize. We can learn a lot from a 2nd grader. They also respond very well to praise and positive reinforcement.

On top of my writing, and my art dabblings, I’m also a semi-professional photographer. I say semi-pro because I haven’t had any official training, aside from working with actual pro-photographers, who helped me learn the ins and outs of exposure, composition, posing and depth of field. I absolutely adore portrait photography. Being able to capture a very human story, a moment in time for a new mother, a new marriage, is such an amazing opportunity and honor.

My job that helps pay for my path to self-publishing is a graphic designer. I’m a cover artist. Long story, but I work under the name Elaina Lee. A lot of people know Elaina the cover artist. I’m proud of that, and really blessed to have worked with hundreds of authors over the span of an entire decade.

I am excited to be starting this journey. To introduce to you my world, my Guardians, and the stories the characters have urged me to write. I hope you enjoy reading them over the coming years as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

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Voklane by Sarah Westill

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