Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield

Posted October 7, 2024 by BaronessMom in #BookishRecipe, Review, Romance, Series / 0 Comments

Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield

Challenging the Chef

by Shanna Hatfield
Series: Summer Creek #6
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by Wholesome Hearts Publishing on October 19, 2023
Setting: Oregon
Genres: Sweet Cowboy Romance
Pages: 375
Format: Kindle, Paperback
Get Your Copy at: AmazonBarnes & Noble
Also in this series: Catching the Cowboy, Rescuing the Rancher, Protecting the Princess, Distracting the Deputy, Guiding the Grouch

When an interloper arrives in his kitchen, will romance start to simmer?

Chef Owen Thorpe left behind his celebrity status when he moved to Summer Creek. The quaint town and country atmosphere allow him to seek solace in his recipes. His peace and quiet is threatened when he’s coerced into being part of a big auction package that includes the winner spending a week cooking with him in his restaurant. The last thing he wants is some chef wannabe in his way. However, the real danger he faces is losing his heart when the winner turns out to be a beautiful woman who knows her way around a kitchen.

Burdened by the weight of her demanding career as a school psychologist, Tawni Young turns to cooking and gardening to escape from the never-ending stress of her work. When her aunt gifts her an auction package that includes cooking lessons in the small town of Summer Creek, Tawni realizes the chef she’ll be working with is none other than a celebrity she had a huge crush on during her college years. From the moment the two of them meet, an undeniable attraction sizzles while wits collide.
As they embark on a tantalizing journey of culinary delights, will Tawni and Owen discover the most important ingredient is love?

In this heartwarming and deliciously wholesome tale, Challenging the Chef takes readers on a savory adventure filled with sweet romance.

Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield is a fantastically adorable romance.

Will Owen and Tawni find their happily ever after?

Chef Owen Thorpe

Our secretive former celebrity chef, who left the spotlight and moved to Summer Creek, is known for being possessive of his kitchen and privacy. He is a busy man who doesn’t want to waste his free time dating someone who isn’t in sync with his future plans. That in itself is hard since how can he find someone if he doesn’t get out of the kitchen? Enter Emery, the town’s energy magnet. She seems to magically put the right people in town so the lovely citizens can find their soul mates. Or is it divine faith? Either way, Chef Owen found his special person.

Owen is a great character. I love the way he takes time for the older ladies who come into his restaurant or how he allows Emery to talk him into doing things that will make him uncomfortable but help the town grow. Even though he is quiet and doesn’t always smile, he loves his community and is a part of it. Also, the man can cook. Who doesn’t love a man that can cook?

Tawni Young

Tawni is a school psychologist who lives and works in Portland. She doesn’t have a lot of time for herself, but what she does, she spends cooking, baking, and gardening in her little balcony garden. Then, her aunt purchases a week-long trip to Summer Creek with time spent with Owen in his kitchen. Tawni knows who he is and remembers him from his celebrity days.

Challenging the Chef CRI love Tawni. She has a magical power with children and can usually see through most people’s smile screens. However, I think she let her past knowledge of him cloud her perspective when it came to Owen. Initially, he wasn’t open with her, but that was his way. However, it’s all water under the bridge now.

I like these two together. They both love a lot of the same things. Tawni brings more smiles and happiness to Owen’s quiet and brooding presence. It was wonderful to watch these two interacting with Own’s nephew. I love a happy ending.

The secret ingredient is always love, no matter the recipe.

Summer Creek

The one thing about reading a series is that the original characters keep popping in, so you get to see how they are progressing in life. Cricket is getting more mature but still loves being a kid, which is so adorable. We have the newest member of the Cole family, baby Maverick, introduced in this book. Nell is still one of my favorite characters in the series.

Ethel the goat—wow, she is a mess. Ethel does what she wants, and yet she knows what not to mess with. I love the rain boot that she kept digging out of the trash. Summer Creek is such a fantastic place. I wish it were real.

Five Stars

My rating for Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield is five stars. It is always a joy to return to Summer Creek. Owen and Tawni didn’t disappoint. I hope to get to the newest book, Marrying the Mechanic, sooner than I was able to get to this one.

I can’t wait to make the Brookies (1/2 browning and 1/2 cookie). The recipe is included in the book.


Summer Creek

Summer Creek


Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


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About Shanna Hatfield

Shanna Hatfield

USA Today bestselling author Shanna Hatfield is a farm girl who loves to write. Her sweet historical and contemporary romances are filled with sarcasm, humor, hope, and hunky heroes. When Shanna isn’t dreaming up unforgettable characters, twisting plots, or covertly seeking dark, decadent chocolate, she hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.

Shanna loves to hear from readers. Follow her online at:

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Challenging the Chef by Shanna Hatfield

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