I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Sword of Deaths
by Christopher Mannino
Series: Scythe Wielder's Secret #2
Series Rating:

Published by MuseItUp Publishing on January 20, 2015
Genres: YA Paranormal Romance
Pages: 268
Format: Kindle
Also in this series: School of Deaths, Daughter of Deaths
Susan Sarnio made a choice, and will spend the rest of her life as the only female Death. Last year she was bullied and ostracized. Now, to her complete bewilderment, four Deaths vie for her affection. Yet, something is terribly wrong at the College of Deaths. When a ship carrying scythe metal is attacked, many blame the newly-freed Elementals, but Susan knows the Elementals are innocent.
Shadows from the distant past come to light. Dragons circle the horizon, blood spills, and nothing is what it seems. Susan and her friends struggle to stop a war. They search for the fabled First Scythe, hoping to sway the balance, but who is the true enemy?
My take on this book: Sword of Deaths by Christopher Mannino is an extremely interesting read. I have been looking forward to reading it since I finished the first book. Suzie, Susan now, Sarino is back to continue her story of being the only female Death in a million years in the World of Deaths. We start the book a short time after the first book ended. During the summer break of the school. Then we end up back in the school session and end at a very interesting turn of events for our young heroine.
There are a few things different in this book than in the first. Different in a good way since it helps convey the story more and brings the others more life than what we saw just from Susan’s point of view. We have two new points of views and I like how they are split up. The two-new point of views is Billy, known as Will now, and Frank. Will’s point of view is good to see a different side of the Junior College and at how much he loves Susan. This really helps a lot, especially in certain parts of the book. Frank’s point of view is also good to see how an Elemental is trying to hide who he really is and keep his power from being discovered.
Aside from the different point of views we also get a few new characters. Tom, a first-year student that didn’t make it very long in his first year, two new teachers of Susan’s one for Scythology and the other one is their new Applications teacher, and a new “myth” tied to Lovethar.
I was starting to like Tom when Mr. Mannino decided to go in a different direction with him. I can’t say that I liked it but I don’t want to spoil anything. Actually, Susan has three new teachers but we don’t know much about her Careers one. Her first new teacher is Professor Domen. He’s a bit of a weird one with being a bit obsessed over the First Scythe and if it’s a legend or myth or what. Then it’s her Careers teacher job to assist the second year students with their future after finishing Junior and Senior years at the College of Deaths. Then her last new teacher is Jose Ocoha, now known as Erebus, and he’s so full of himself. Out of the three new teachers and the ones we know about I have to say I like Domen the best. He isn’t boring or full of himself like her other two new teachers are. Sure, he’s a bit weird but oh well. Then we have another new student, well not really new, his name is Eshue. He really doesn’t like Susan at all. It has to do with who he was raised and with what she did to him. Lastly, the First Scythe is known around the World of Deaths but like Lovethar and other things from long ago as a myth. Even though that is the name of this book and what this book is kind of all about. Since history so far is repeating itself thanks in part to Susan being there.
It took me this long to read this book mostly because I had to go back and reread the first book to reacquaint myself with this world and story and characters. Basically, I had to refresh my memory of what happened in the first book before diving into the second one.
I am giving this book five stars because it is that good and I am in love with this trilogy. Most likely, by the time this review is made public, I will have already read the last book in this trilogy. Which I so can’t wait to read. I hope that Susan kicks Sindril’s butt.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
**Sword of Deaths**
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