Shadowhunters T.V. Series, Season 1
First Episode: The Mortal Cup – Pilot
Premiere Date: January 12, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
The series begins with Clary, celebrating her 18th birthday at a New York City nightclub, the Pandemonium. She learns about a group of teenagers with apparent supernatural abilities: Jace, Isabelle, and Alec. She sees them attack a demon who had gone into the club, but soon realizes that she is the only person able to see them. Her mother reveals to Clary that she is a shadow hunter and an attempt to protect Clary her from destiny, her mother is captured.
Now onto talking about the show:
We first go into the Shadowhunter world with seeing Jace, Isabelle, and Alec tracking a demon and Jace walking into Clary. This whole episode is all about setting up the entire series with Jocelyn being taken but us meeting Clary, Simon, Alec, Jace, Isabelle, Jocelyn, Valentine, and Luke. Well and other people that are essential in the plot probably later on. I love that even though the episode is only an hour long, it fits in a whole lot of information.
I asked my mom after the episode was done if she liked it and she did despite not knowing anything about the series (ya, she hasn’t read the books) and I had to tell her about it a little bit (you know how Moms are). She still liked the episode and thought that this series would be a good one. I am thrilled to say that I think the same thing. We both can’t wait for the other episodes. I don’t want to spoil too much of it since you have to watch it yourself and watch the other episodes on Tuesdays only on Freeform.
My Rating for this episode:

Second Episode: The Descent Into Hell Is Easy
Premiere Date: January 19, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
With the knowledge that Valentine is alive and on the hunt for The Mortal Cup, the Institute is on high alert. Not wasting any time Jace jumps into action and figures Clary’s memories are the key to finding Jocelyn and The Mortal Cup. Unfortunately, Clary’s memories were wiped leaving her without recollection of this other life that could help her and the team. With only one other option remaining, Jace, Isabelle, and a very reluctant Alec to take Clary to the City of Bones to face the powerful Silent Brothers. Meanwhile, Luke continues his search for Clary, and Simon tries to come to terms with his best friend’s new life.
Another episode of Shadowhunters has come and gone once again but here is my review on it.
We take up with where the first episode let off with Clary being stuck between her two worlds. Her Shadowhunter world that she is just now coming to terms with and her human world that she lived in for most of her life. After that, it just takes off once again, and I love it. I like how they are keeping with the book but also putting their own spin on it. It’s so refreshing to see that especially since no one can really compare to what the books just give us. Katherine McNamara as Clary Fray is so awesome. She is most definitely bringing Clary to life, and I love that she read the books while filming the series so that she bring Clary to life, in such a fabulous way. Everything about this series is incredible.
I feel sorry for Clary at times throughout this episode. Granted she is eighteen, but she is thrown into a world that she knows that she belongs in while not knowing if she can be in it, so she puts on a brave face for everyone including herself. For anyone that likes the book series, they will like this series. If you haven’t watch it and give it a shot, even if you haven’t read the book series. My mom likes the TV series, and she hasn’t read the books.
My Rating for this episode:

Third Episode: Dead Man’s Party
Premiere Date: January 26, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
The Shadowhunters attempt to rescue Simon, who has been taken by vampires. Alec and Jace have a dispute over Clary. The Shadowhunters are able to track Simon’s whereabouts and rescue him from Camille Belcourt and her outfit, but Simon appears to be turning into a vampire.
New Species
In this episode, we are introduced to at least two new species in the Shadowhunter world. We are introduced to the Vampires. Well okay so we technically met them at the very end of the last episode, but we end up seeing more of them in this one. The second new species we met are the Seelie aka the Fairies. Well only one of them that is. Clary is all about saving Simon so she would do anything to get to him.
Time to save Simon
Also in this episode, we see a whole lot more of Clary’s stubbornness, which is always so great to see from Katherine McNamara. Isabelle is still the same as always, but she is a whole lot more. Jace is still full of himself. Alec is still trying to deny his feelings for Jace, and it’s not working out very well as those two are having more arguments over Clary in this episode. Along with how they should go to the Clave to tell them about everything they know so that the Clave can tell them what to do. Simon though. Poor poor Simon he is not having a good time. Well sure he is technically still human, but he is not going to be for too long which sucks. Simon is still waiting for Clary to see that they belong together especially since neither of the two of them knows that Simon is turning into a vampire.
My Rating for this episode:

Fourth Episode: Raising Hell
Premiere Date: February 2, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
After getting a clue about who may have wiped Clary’s memories, the crew hunts down the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. With all of the warlocks in hiding from Valentine, the team must lure Magnus out with something he can’t refuse – a killer party and something very valuable. But with emotions running high, more may come out of their meeting with Magnus than just the retrieval of Clary’s memories. Meanwhile, Simon doesn’t seem to be himself after his recent Downworlder encounter.
Another episode of Shadowhunters has come and gone once again, and I loved it.
This episode starts with Clary having a dream of her mom taking her to Magnus to take away her memories. Simon was there to comfort her however, she thought that it was Jace. Clary was able to tell Jace, Isabelle, and Alec about who she thought took away her memories. This whole episode much like the first two was pretty well paced. Alec is still jealous of Clary that is until he met Magnus and something might be going on there. This episode was such a good one, and I can’t wait to see more.
I am looking forward to seeing more about Luke and other people. I am especially excited to see what will happen with Simon as he doesn’t know why he feels different since his kidnapping by the vampires. We also find out that someone might have a crush on Simon and tells him about it when they met up.
Clary will do anything to find her mom and the Mortal Cup, but she has no clue where to look for it. After this episode, she might have a chance of finding it…if everything goes the way that the Shadowhunters hope it well. Oh, we also see Isabelle’s necklace, and it’s fabulous I was wondering when they were going to bring it up.
My Rating for this episode:

Fifth Episode: Moo Shu To Go
Premiere Date: February 9, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Tensions escalate between Alec and Clary as they don’t see eye to eye on the best way to hunt down Valentine. But when Jace and Isabelle are sent on an intel mission to the Seelies by Maryse Lightwood, Alec is put in charge of keeping Clary safe, much to both of their chagrin. With his hard-as-nails mother back in town and Clary’s rule-breaking tendencies, Alec finds himself struggling to stick to the Claves rules while keeping his promise to Jace. Meanwhile, the New York City werewolf pack begins their hunt for Clary and The Mortal Cup.
Another episode of Shadowhunters has come and gone once again, and I have to say once again I loved it!
We start the episode off where episode 4 left off of with Jace seeing with what was wrong with Clary and then Alec gets involved, and it’s bad. Well not really bad Alec just doesn’t want to admit his feelings to Jace. We also see a new character in the show. Alec and Isabelle’s mom Maryse Lightwood. She is so pretty, and I can’t wait to see more of this character since she seems really good. Maryse sets her three children, yes Jace counts as a Lightwood, up on the missions that they need to go on. Well mostly two of them since she isn’t happy with Alec right now about Clary.
Clary not wanting to be near Alec.
Jace and Isabelle go off to talk to the Seelies to find out what went wrong. The Seelies were following orders from the Shadowhunter order. Who knows what is going to happen with the Seelies and the Shadowhunters now? Hopefully nothing too bad. Alec starts training Clary but only to get distracted by Magnus. All I can say is MALEC FEELS. Alec runs off to find Clary who is at the Brooklyn Art Academy being invisible. She then takes Alec to get Simon, and the three of them get to Clary’s loft. They get the box that she wanted, but then she gets kidnapped with Simon by werewolves. Simon is still showing signs of becoming a vampire, oops, and he just thinks that he is sick. Once Jace finds out he is distraught with Alec for letting that happen and it’s just bad for their parabita relationship.
Werewolves got Clary
Anyways the people that kidnap her are trying to get her to tell them where the cup is, and she doesn’t know, but she says a lie so that she could see Simon again. But that doesn’t happen until she gets put into a cargo hold. She tries to get out with a rune, but Luke gets to her and gets her out. He then puts her over his shoulder and tries to get her away when Jace and Alec get to them and a whole big war between Luke and one of the people that were holding Clary.
Luke is hurt
By the end, Luke is injured, and Jace tells Alec to take Isabelle back to the Institute while he takes Luke, Clary, and Simon to Magnus for Luke to get better. Let’s just say that Isabelle and Alec aren’t too thrilled with that at all.
My Rating for this episode:

Sixth Episode: Of Men and Angels
Premiere Date: February 16, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Luke is taken to Magnus’ lair in the hopes of saving his life; Clary learns about Valentine’s dark history and Luke and Jocelyn’s past; Isabelle and Alec attempt to restore their family name in the eyes of the Clave.
Another episode of Shadowhunters has come and gone once again, and I have to say once again I loved it!
We get to meet Alec and Isabelle’s dad, and brother Max. I have to say that they are exactly what I pictured when I was reading the books and Max is so cute and adorable. We start with a little recap of what has happened on Shadowhunters before we get to the part where Simon, Jace, and Clary get Luke into Magnus’ lair so that he could try and heal him from the Alpha’s bite. All I have to say is that I feel sorry for Luke especially after Jocelyn tells him to tell Clary everything about their past so that Clary will be able to unlock some memory to get the Mortal Cup back and away from Valentine.
Clary gets information about her mom from Magnus
Magnus sends Jace and Simon off to get some ingredients that he needs while he talks to Clary who ends up drawing while he is explaining stuff to her. Clary finds out things about Jocelyn, Valentine, and Luke that she didn’t know before and with why Jocelyn and Luke didn’t want to tell her. She is a little worried about that information and with how it was supposed to help her. While all of that was happening back at the Institute Max and Mr. Lightwood came through the portal to relax and spend some time there.
Alec is under a lot of pressure
Well, that and to get Alec to restore their families honor in the eyes of the Clave because of what happened with Clary. Which is kind of sad for Alec with all his dad and mom are willing to do for him. Isabelle wants to try and take Alec’s place. However, their mom sees Isabelle as a young version of herself and doesn’t want that for Isabelle. This may explain why their mom is not very kind to Isabelle. Meanwhile, Jace and Simon gets the ingredients that are needed while getting into a fight about Clary and Alec on the way there.
Luke is saved
Magnus is losing his strength while trying to help Luke from succumbing to the Alpha’s bite. Alec goes to help Magnus, and they end up getting that drink before him being sent home by his mom.
The actors are really portraying the characters well, and the scenery is much as I imagined it would be. I have to say that I am delighted with this series.
My Rating for this episode:

Seventh Episode: Major Arcana
Premiere Date: February 23, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Clary and the team learn the location of the Mortal Cup, and race to be the first to obtain it; Simon’s worsening symptoms cause him to believe he is becoming a vampire.
Another episode of Shadowhunters has come and gone once again but here is my review on it.
This episode starts with Clary knowing where the Cup is and how she can retrieve it. Sadly Luke wants to go with her and sleeps off what happened to him so that he doesn’t look like a mummy. Simon woke up the next day with Marianne and let’s just say that didn’t work out very well for them. Isabelle is still putting away her old life and walks out to find her dad knocking on Alec’s door but Alec not answering. Isabelle writes up the reports for the Clave instead.
We did meet a new type of demon in this episode once we get to the police station with Clary, Luke, and Jace. All I have to say about that part is way to go Clary. Luke ends up getting into trouble when he gets into the police station. Clary and Jace decide that they need to get the Cup without Luke’s help. With that, they had to do something that made me say earlier way to go for her. Jace wasn’t a happy camper about it, but it was all right. They weren’t able to get the Cup and had to call Alec and Isabelle to help them out.
Once that happens they get the Cup and got into trouble. Of course, they get out of it. While all of that was happening for Clary, Jace, Luke, Isabelle, and Alec Simon was getting into some trouble on his own.
He tried calling Clary every so often, but he never was able to talk to her which is super sad. Simon decided that he was turning into a vampire but wasn’t sure. He got interrogated by his mom and his sister. Okay so we did meet a new one, and that is his sister. Let’s just say that Simon was showing a lot of signs of it. Simon went to the hotel and let’s just say that it didn’t end very well at all. Poor Simon.
My Rating for this episode:

Eighth Episode: Bad Blood
Premiere Date: March 1, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Alec and Clary are forced to make some hard decisions.
With word of Alec, Jace, and Isabelle’s “extracurricular activities” with Clary reaching The Clave, a convoy is sent to observe the Lightwoods running the New York Institute. Once The Clave representative arrives, it is very clear how much trouble the Lightwoods are in.
Meanwhile, Clary is faced with a devastating decision.
A lot has happened in this one.
We start this episode off with a little flashback of some of the episodes that were before this one. After that we see Clary and Jace holding the Mortal Cup before Isabelle steals it. Then we see Alec at the big computer before the sirens going off as there is an intruder on the grounds. That intruder happens to be Raphael holding a dead Simon thanks to Camille. The four of them get the two into the Institute where Raphael tells Clary that she has two ultimatums for fledging Simon.
While that happens Alec and Isabelle find out about The Clave sending someone to look over the Institute. This someone is a new character by the name of Lydia Branwell and with a lot happening in this episode and all the while it was so good.
Lydia seems like an awesome character and can’t wait to see more from her. I kind of like the idea of her and Alec together despite Alec’s flirtation with Magnus.
My Rating for this episode:

Ninth Episode: Rise Up
Premiere Date: March 8, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Clary, Jace, and Isabelle are forced to take drastic action after they suspect Lydia’s harsh plan for the Seelies could prove to be disastrous; Alec is emotionally torn by events at the Institute.
Simon doesn’t like being a vampire
We start this episode off with what happened in the last episode of Shadowhunters. Before we see Simon running away and Raphael showing up to talk to Simon. A little bit after that Clary and Jace show up after Simon ran away again. Jace calls Alec, and he learns about what Valentine did by sending a Forsaken to the Institute.
Meliorn gets arrested
At this Institute Isabelle sees her Seelie friend before Lydia gets him arrested. Isabelle talks to Alec before Jace shows up. Then Lydia does, and they tell them that they are engaged which upsets both Jace and Isabelle. We then go off to Simon’s house to see Simon talk to his mom.
Clary and Luke looking for Simon
Clary is off with Luke looking for Simon so that they could help him some with his new life as a vampire. They find Simon at Simon’s house, and Clary convinces Simon to go with her despite Simon’s mom not wanting that to happen. Clary tells Simon that it was her choice to bury Simon and he isn’t thrilled.
Lydia is not happy with Clary and Jace.
Back at the Institute Lydia finds out that Clary has the cup and they are looking for it. Jace told Clary about them. Now Simon, Clary, and Luke are going to Raphael to see if they could stay there so that they can’t be tracked. Simon is very important for Raphael. Alec isn’t really very happy right now and is working with his fiancée. Jace tried to get Alec to see that the way he is handling things may be what the Clave wants, but it isn’t the best way to handle it.
So much stuff has happened in this episode and that it was such a good one just like the others.
My Rating for this episode:

Tenth Episode: This World Inverted
Premiere Date: March 15, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
The search for Valentine leads Clary to an alternate reality where the threat of demons no longer exists; Isabelle and Alec face the repercussions of the Downworlder attack.
Alternate Reality time!
First, I am so happy that Shadowhunters are cleared for a Season 2.
Okay, I am going to try something different with this review. I love this episode so much. Clary goes to an alternate dimension where everything is different. It was an excellent reality to see. We start this episode off as we did with the past eight episodes. Also, I am so sorry if this has spoilers in it!
Old Characters
This will be where I talk about the characters that we have seen throughout the episodes so far. I will talk about how different the characters are in this new dimension.
Clary Fairchild/Morgenstern:
Clary is wearing the same clothes from the last episode. She is waiting for Meliorn to tell her that she may go through the portal and Clary ends up doing. Once through the portal, she ends up in Dimension-Clary’s body. Clary is wearing a cute black and white striped tank top with jeans. The portal shard necklace carried over because dun dun dun it belongs in that dimension. Clary throughout the episode has to deal with trying to stay focused on finding the portal. If she doesn’t, she will end up believing that the dimension she is in is her reality. At her father’s party, Clary is wearing a blue dress that is really pretty. Katherine McNamara did an excellent job in this episode. I really love her portrayal of Clary which is especially fabulous in this episode.
Simon Lewis:
Simon is wearing a new shirt and a leather jacket along with jeans and shoes. He is the go-to man for the vampires and werewolves because of his close personal relationship with Luke. Of course, the other werewolves aren’t happy about that and don’t trust Simon. Simon and Luke go for a walk when the internal affairs investigator finds them. He was able to help Luke by getting the internal affairs investigator off Luke back. Dimension-Simon is wearing clothes that Simon usually wore before he turned into a vampire and still being Clary’s best friend in this dimension. Dimension-Simon is okay with Jace and Clary seeing each other. I’m thinking in this episode Clary, Simon, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle are all best friends with each other. Or at least that is what it seems like as they were all hanging out at a coffee truck. Alberto did a good job playing the two different Simons. Alberto Rosende is an excellent Simon Lewis, and I am so glad he was chosen for the part.
Jace Wayland:
Jace just like Clary is wearing the same thing that he was wearing in the last episode. For much of the episode, he was outside of the portal protecting it until Clary needs him. Dimension-Jace was wearing jeans and a shirt that the other Jace would never wear. Dimension-Jace also owns a coffee truck that the Dimension-Simon, Dimension-Isabelle, and Dimension-Alec liked to hang out at. Dimension-Jace really loves Clary and was hurt when he saw Clary sneaking off with Dimension-Magnus. Dimension-Jace gets attacked by a demon and doesn’t know what to do. The other Jace was fighting with that demon, and they end up in the alternate world. Dimension-Jace turns into regular Jace who ends up fighting the demon but gets hurt in the process. Then they go through the portal, and he ends up seeing his father which scares him a little bit. Dominic’s portrayal of both sides of Jace in this episode was phenomenal. Dominic Sherwood is an awesome Jace, and I can totally see him as Jace more so than ever.
Valentine Morgenstern:
We only really see one Valentine in this episode. Dimension-Valentine is a great husband to Jocelyn and a great father to Clary. Dimension-Valentine is probably someone that Jocelyn would have loved a lot. It also seems like Valentine sort of owns the Institute. He created computer software that creates 4D things that were going throughout the party. Val seems to be very happy with what he was doing, and so did Jocelyn. Val was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and dress jeans when we first see him. Then at the party that he was hosting he was wearing a dress shirt, jeans, and jacket. He also, at times, during the party he was wearing a ‘Mad Hatter’ hat. Alan was excellent as the good Valentine in this episode. I enjoyed seeing the good Valentine for a little bit. Alan Van Sprang is a superb Valentine, whether playing the good or bad Valentine.
Jocelyn Fairchild/Morgenstern:
Just like with Valentine we only see one of her, and that is Dimension-Jocelyn. Dimension-Jocelyn loves Valentine with all of her heart. Since Valentine owns his software company, she can just paint. Much like the book version of Jocelyn, she can just be a good mom. When we first see Jocelyn, she is wearing a half-sleeved shirt, that looks similar to Valentine’s, and jeans. Then at the party, she is wearing a blue dress. Maxim Roy was an awesome Jocelyn in this episode. I enjoyed seeing the happy side.
Luke Garroway:
We only see Luke a few times in this episode. When he was with the other werewolves and talking to them before Simon came in. The two walked out of the restaurant and was talking/walking around. The internal affairs investigator came to a stop then. Luke was able to talk Simon into being the guy that the cops are hunting for. Luke was able to make it realistic to the other cop so that he can get his job back. The Dimension-Luke was only seen for a minute probably because he was talking on a commercial for Magnus Bane. Dimension-Luke is book-Luke. By owning a book store and wearing glasses instead of being a cop. Luke is another awesome character, and Isaiah Mustafa is an awesome Luke. Even if Isaiah isn’t what I pictured in my head for Luke.
Alec Lightwood:
Alec is still basically being a dick throughout the episode because that is kind of how Alec usually is. Alec still hates Jace though. Especially for what he ended up doing to Isabelle. Alec is still wearing all black like he usually does throughout the episodes. Dimension-Alec though has embraced his true side and isn’t engaged to anyone. He is wearing a light blue polo shirt and jeans. Dimension-Alec is quite happy about his party that he has spent a lot of time decorating the Institute for. Dimension-Alec is also quite happy when he sees Dimension-Magnus. He ends up saying the same thing that Magnus did when they first saw each other. Dimension-Alec wears at the party a dark blue shirt. Alec is a great character especially when Alec isn’t a douche. Matthew Daddario is an awesome Alec, whether moody or not.
Isabelle Lightwood:
I felt bad for Isabelle as she is wearing the same clothes as she did in the last episode. She ends up getting arrested, and we don’t see her much. Dimension-Isabelle though was wearing a blue star wars tee shirt, jeans, her hair was in a braid, and she was wearing glasses. Dimension-Isabelle is entirely different from the very sexy normal Isabelle that we are used to. Dimension-Isabelle also confessed to Alec, Clary, and Simon that she likes someone but everyone thought that it was Valentine, but I was thinking it was Simon as the two of them were giving off good Sissy feels in the episode. After watching this episode and reading most of the books I love Sissy almost as much as I love Clace. At the party, Dimension-Isabelle is wearing a cute blue dress with her hair up and glasses on still. She was also wearing makeup especially when it was covering her black eye that she got from kickboxing.
Magnus Bane:
Much like with Valentine Morgenstern and Jocelyn Fairchild/Morgenstern we only see one of him that would be Dimension-Magnus. Now the first time we see him is on a commercial for his business that he used Dimension-Luke and Dimension-Hodge for. Dimension-Magnus is still a warlock, but he put his powers in a dormant state because why would he need to use them in his dimension. Dimension-Magnus is more reserved of his feelings for his gender than Dimension-Alec is. When the two first met Dimension-Magnus was a lot like Alec was when he first meets Magnus and of course left so that he could get Clary to get to the portal. Of course, Dimension-Magnus does find it and gets the Clary and Jace over while stating that he will close that portal and get rid of the demon body so that in that dimension no one could use the portal ever again and they won’t have to activate the Shadowhunters at all. Dimension-Magnus lacks the flare of the Magnus that Clary knows since Dimension-Magnus doesn’t really need the flare in that dimension at all. Magnus overall is a wonderful character, and Harry Shum Jr does an excellent job portraying him.
Hodge Starkweather:
We see two different Hodge’s in this episode. The first Hodge we see is Dimension-Hodge, and it’s like as long as we did Dimension-Luke. We don’t know much about Dimension-Hodge besides that he runs a kung fu studio or maybe it was karate I’m not exactly sure anymore. Then we see him in the episode for a little bit longer than in the other dimension. We just see him wearing his workout clothes since Hodge doesn’t/can’t leave the Institute he doesn’t really do much of anything. Hodge is an interesting character, and Jon Cor does an excellent job portraying him.
We only see one Meliorn, and he is basically wearing the same thing that he did in the last episode. Nothing much has really changed that much for him, and I’m not sure if I like him that much or not right now which is pretty bad of me to say but oh well. Meliorn though is one of those characters where you love him, but at the same time, you don’t trust him being a faerie and all. Meliorn is an interesting character much like Hodge, and Jade Hassoune plays him perfectly.
Lydia Branwell:
Lydia is another one of those characters where you feel like you should love her but at the same time you kind of hate her. The reason for that is because most Shadowhunters fans think that Lydia is keeping away the Malec feelings that most of us want. I believe that Lydia brings an exciting twist to the couple as most of us know what ends up happening in the Malec relationship, but Lydia brings the tough decision for Alec. We first see Lydia wearing the clothes that she was wearing in last Tuesday’s episode and then she switches into workout clothes, and that’s all we really see of her. Lydia is an excellent character, and I just feel bad for her as she just wants to do what is right while staying true to the Clave which isn’t always a good thing. Especially since I think she feels bad for having to arrest Isabelle, but Isabelle didn’t really leave her with a choice. Stephanie Bennett is the person portraying Lydia, and I have to say that she is doing an excellent job.
New Characters
This will be where I talk about the characters that we first see and with how we see them. And if I like them or not.
Michael Wayland:
So the last person we see in this episode is Michael Wayland, the long-lost dead father of Jace Wayland. What I am thinking though is that maybe it isn’t Michael Wayland but really Valentine using a rune to change his appearance into Michael. I mean it makes sense seeing as how the portal took them to the building that was Valentine’s hideout and all they find is Michael. This is all a theory of mine though as we don’t know if it is really true or not until we see the later episodes. I think that Michael will be an interesting touch to the story and we can see how he interacts with Jace and possibly Clary and the other Shadowhunters later. Michael Wayland is played by Adam Harrington, and I think that Adam is doing a good job so far. I will leave this open for later.
Church is this awesome cat from the book series that I have always wondered with when we will see him. In the book series, Church is a cat from the Institute where we see him in the different Dimension as Dimension-Magnus’s cat. One that Dimension-Magnus doesn’t really seem to like all that much. I am not sure if we will see Church all that much anymore on the show, but I would love it if we could. I do like the pillow that says Church on it though as it is entirely a Magnus thing to do. We see Church just one more time as he tries to get Clary from succumbing to the effects of Dimension-Clary’s mind.
Chairman Meow:
Chairman Meow is another awesome cat from the book series. Chairman Meow is another cat that is supposed to be in the Institute, but on the show, we see him as the first cat that Dimension-Magnus shows Clary. Chairman Meow is the more sociable one of the two and totally a cat that I wanted to see in the series. Sadly though much like Church, I’m unsure if we will see Chairman Meow anymore in the show. There is also another pillow on Dimension-Magnus’s couch that has Chairman Meow’s name on it, and I got to say that I love those pillows. We see Chairman Meow just one more time with Church as he tries to get Clary’s mind to focus on her task at hand again.
The ending of this episode was excellent but poor Jace who has just seen his father for the first time in eight years, and that’s where we ended it. I feel sorry for the poor guy. This episode was an awesome one, and each of the characters was superb especially when it came to the alternate reality. We see a whole lot of Sissy, Clace, and a little bit of Malec. Though Sissy wasn’t in there a whole lot. The only one that was would be Clace of course. I don’t really have a favorite scene as I loved all of the scenes. The different dimension thing was pretty cool, and I loved how they made each of the regular characters a bit different than what they are from the world that Clary comes from. I do dislike Alaric, played by Joel Labelle. As Alaric is making poor Luke choose between the pack and Clary while telling him that he should put his pack first and not trust Clary. Joel Labelle is doing a good job playing a character who is a jerk.
My Rating for this episode:

Eleventh Episode: Blood Calls to Blood
Premiere Date: March 22, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Information from a surprising ally leads Clary, Jace, and Luke to devise a plan to stop Valentine and rescue Jocelyn; Alec seeks help from Magnus as Inquisitor Herondale arrives for Isabelle’s trial.
My take on this episode:
We start with this episode with a few previous episodes before we go back to with where we left off with Jace and Clary seeing Michael Wayland in a cage waiting for someone let it be either them or Valentine to come back to get him. Michael saw that his son was hurt and helped Clary bring Jace back to the werewolf hang out, Jade Wolf so that Luke could help him. Of course, there isn’t much that Luke could do for Jace, but Simon suggested for Clary and him to bring him blood so that the fresh blood could get rid of the demonic blood that is in him.
Raphael wasn’t happy with that, but Simon got him to do it while getting a premonition that doesn’t allow him to leave the Hotel for the rest of the episode. Back at the Institute though Isabelle and Alec try to think of a way to stop the trail from happening, but of course that doesn’t work especially after Alec convinces Lydia that it should happen. Inquisitor Herondale came in just as Alec convinced Lydia and let’s just say that the Inquisitor isn’t happy with Lydia’s choice of person to marry. Isabelle convinces Alec to get Magnus to be her lawyer, and he went to persuade Magnus. Magnus is only doing it for a price that Alec isn’t happy about.
Meanwhile back in Jade Wolf Jace is all better and resting while Clary and Michael talk about the past and how Michael thinks that he knows Clary. Jace is out there with them when Michael tells Jace, Clary, and Luke about Valentine moving to a place that is abandoned and near the Institute. Clary tells Jace to wait there while she and Luke go to see how bad it is. It is pretty bad as it’s being protected by demons. Of course, while they are doing that Michael is training with Jace who is still hurt by the parabati bond being weakened thanks to Alec. Michael isn’t happy with Jace being in love with Clary but gives him the blessing.
Back at the Institute Magnus does a pretty good job as Isabelle’s lawyer and gets Lydia to back down but not before the Inquisitor delivers her ultimatum of Clary brings them the Cup for Isabelle to stay in the Shadow world.
Clary, Jace, and Luke find out that Jace and Clary are siblings as Michael turns into Valentine. Let’s just say that the two of them aren’t happy with that news. They get back to the Institute where the Clave gets the Cup and Jocelyn is safe from Valentine. Luke tells Simon that just because they are downworlders doesn’t mean that they are any different from what they used to be and that Simon still has a chance to win Clary’s heart because of the two of them, Clary and Jace, being siblings.
As I watched this episode, I still thought we had some unanswered questions like how in the world did Valentine know that they were coming through the portal from the other dimension to his hideout? And how did Jocelyn or Dot get the portal shard to their world from the alternate dimension?
My Rating for this episode:

Twelfth Episode: Malec
Premiere Date: March 29, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Relationships are examined as preparations are made for the wedding of Lydia and Alec; Clary, Jace, and Magnus search for a warlock, Ragnor Fell, who may possess an antidote to awaken Jocelyn.
My take on this episode:
It’s getting closer to the day everyone has been waiting for Alec and Lydia’s wedding day. Isabelle has taken over getting the wedding planned/decorated and making sure that Alec has his bachelor party and that he and Jace are okay.
Magnus is still not happy that Alec is getting married and was avoiding him until his old buddy, Ragnor Fell, told him that he can’t keep his heart locked away forever and he decided to go to the wedding despite Alec and Isabelle’s parents not being happy that he is there. They even told him that he should leave, but Magnus didn’t and told them that if Alec wants him to leave then, Alec will tell him to go.
Clary is all about trying to wake up her mom and that killed Ragnor on accident. She is also trying to get Jace to talk to her more than when they have missions or see each other in the Institute. She invited Simon to the wedding as her date which doesn’t suit Jace very well despite him trying to stop his feelings for Clary clouding his judgment.
Lydia told Alec to follow his heart, and if it isn’t with her, then she is okay with that. Malec finally kissed, and the Lightwood parents have no clue what to do about this situation. Lydia is getting ready to leave including with the Cup when someone knocks her unconscious.
Luke is worried for Jocelyn and Hodge to come to relieve him of looking after her so that Luke could get some rest and spend time with his pack. He then talks to Valentine. That spells trouble for everyone that is in the Institute.
I was a little disappointed with the wedding attire as in the book they wear black to weddings, and although the dress is lovely ad Lydia is beautiful. It wasn’t what I expected. I also didn’t like that tux that was picked out for Alec, he is definitely a full black tux, no tails but all black with a white or red shirt would have been outstanding.
We also have some unanswered questions in this episode too. Like: Has Hodge always been Valentine’s side or is the purely to escape the Clave’s hold on him? And how long has Hodge been a mole for Valentine?
My Rating for this episode:

Thirteenth Episode: Morning Star
Premiere Date: April 5, 2016
Episode Plot Summary:
Jace makes the search for Valentine his main priority as he continues to reel from recent events; Clary and Simon’s efforts to unlock Jocelyn’s coma may impact the Downworlder peace treaty and Simon’s relationship with Raphael.
My take on this episode:
We start this episode with a little bit of what happened in the last few episodes. Then we start the episode with them in their clothes from Lydia and Alec’s wedding, that never happened.
This episode was terrific and is now one of my best/hated episode. Best because it was soo good and hated because it’s the last one until next year for season two. This whole episode is us seeing Jace battling against himself about being the son that Valentine raised and the one that was part of the Lightwoods family, who loves Clary.
While Clary and Simon go off with Isabelle and Alec’s help with finding the Book of White to wake up Jocelyn, everything happened pretty fast in this episode but it was excellent, and I can’t wait for next season. Some nagging questions are answered, but these are replaced with new questions. Hopefully, the answers to the new questions will be answered next season.
My Rating for this episode:

Shadowhunters is a terrific new series, and I can’t wait to see more of this series. The first season was incredible and just shows so much potential for this show and with the six books that Ms. Clare has written this will be a great series that will be on for a while I hope.
It’s finally here!
Shadowhunters TV Show is finally here! Any fan of the book series might have been following once the show got announced. Especially on the ShadowhuntersTV twitter handle and of each of the actors and actresses that got picked for the characters. I am happy to say that I loved everything about this show so far. Especially all the actors and actresses that they chose for the characters. Let’s start with the main gang: Jace, Clary, Alec, Isabelle, and Simon. They are the main gang because they are the ones that Clary, the main character, hangs around with the most.

I am trying something a little new with this post, I may continue to review the episodes.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by

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