Source: the Author

Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson

Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson

Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson is a great book! Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson are just as good as other books in this awesome series. Imogen and her friends are back in the Water Kingdom until they have to go to the Air Kingdom to celebrate the Spring Festival. […]

Sam n Patty’s 1st Adventure by Jerry Dawson

Sam n Patty’s 1st Adventure by Jerry Dawson

Food and Adventure = Love Sam n Patty’s 1st Adventure by Jerry Dawson is a lovely little mystery. A short novel to read on a rainy spring evening. Sam has it together, he is an independent photographer. He makes enough to get by, which Sam seems to do quite well. Besides selling photos to newspapers […]

Posted May 17, 2018 by BaronessMom in Romance / 1 Comment