I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Giovanni Meets A Coven
by Kathy Bryson
Series: Med School #2
Series Rating:

Published by Kathy Bryson Books on September 15, 2016
Genres: Paranormal Mystery
Pages: 90
Format: Kindle
Having successfully dealt with his first zombie, Giovanni is looking forward to the upcoming semester. Then the accidents start, costing Giovanni two jobs, no end of embarrassment, and multiple contusions and abrasions!
Is it just bad luck or is the curse of the zombie out to get him? And which of the voodoo queens suddenly surrounding him can he trust to help out?
Surprise, not everyone is what they seem to be.
Giovanni Meets a Coven by Kathy Bryson is a wonderful read. Giovanni is a med student with numerous jobs. He is so busy, he doesn’t have a place to live and he has a big dog. Studying has become the easiest part of his life that is when he can find the time. However, living in a morgue isn’t the greatest way to save money.
I like Giovanni, he loves coffee. He’s from New Jersey going to med school in Atlanta. He seems to be handling the cultural shock fairly well. He is stronger than he seems. He has a good heart and sense of humor. I would most definitely be his friend.
Gio has made many friends in Atlanta. However, I like the sassy, bossy and intimidating Astral. She isn’t perfect. She’s got some jealousy and anger issues. But hey, who doesn’t? She knows what she wants and she is working towards it, even though she thinks she is entitled. I believe that she can handle whatever is thrown at her, preferably with a little help from her friends.
I enjoyed the story. I was caught off guard by the ending, which only makes the story better. It was fast paced, with no poor pitiful me from Giovanni. Oh yes, the floor buffer incident made me laugh out loud. I was laughing about it for hours. My husband must have thought that I had lost my mind. That will haunt Gio for a long time.
My rating is 4 stars, and I plan to fit the first book Giovanni Goes to Med School into my TBR list. If you are looking for a clean story with a touch of paranormal this is one for you.
**Where to find Giovanni Meets a Coven**
** Goodreads **
This is a Guest Review for Baroness’ Book Trove. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book for your site. ~Jen
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