Networks: Sky/Sundance Now/AMC/BBC America
Production Credit: Bad Wolf
Disclaimer: there are spoilers below so if you haven’t watched these episodes read at your own risk.
First Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
Things get creepy for historian and closet witch, Diana Bishop, when she calls up a magical manuscript. Her discovery is about to throw her back into the world of magic and into the path of Matthew Clairmont, a centuries old vampire.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
Diana and Matthew’s meeting in the library is tense, standoffish, definite attractions yet challenging. I love the emotion that the characters use in the scene. The choices of Teresa Palmer and Matthew Goode for these parts are spectacular. They are so close to the characters that I pictured in my mind.
Peter Knox and Satu’s meeting is different from the book yet extremely telling and intriguing.
Jillian Chamberlin is foolish, not very magical, and not a good friend to Diana. She comes across as jealous and childish.
Our Rating for this episode:

Second Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
As Matthew fights to control his cravings, he leaves Diana to face her enemies alone. And those include the powerful witch Peter Knox.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
“In every ending, there is a new beginning.”
We meet Juliette, a vampire that is psycho. She is so obsessed with Matthew. I felt sorry for her in many ways, as she didn’t ask for this. I like the actress Elarica Johnson and think she does a great job putting that crazy out front.
We also meet Hamish, a demon and financial specialist, with a gift for making money. He is Matthew’s close friend. However, Hamish’s decorating skills could use some help. Greg McHugh is excellent in this role; he portrays Hamish with that whole air of importance that I could see.
The hunting trip that Matthew and Hamish do in Scottland is so fabulous. The scene with the stag is impressive. However, the chess match is where we learn more about Matthew and some of his downfalls.
“There’s more to the game than protecting the Queen.” Hamish tells Matthew.
Diana has tea with Peter Knox. This scene enforces my dislike of Knox; his lack of personality and sense of privilege is disgusting. Owen Teale plays this part well, he isn’t what I pictured Peter Knox looking like, but he handles this character well.
Satu’s confrontation with Diana is scary and disturbing. It just makes it so much more intriguing. Malin Buska plays Satu and does a splendid job; however, I thought of Satu as being much older.
Domenico Michele is such a weasel. He sells himself to the highest bidder. You would think that being as old as he is, he wouldn’t be such a bottom feeder. I love the way that Gregg Chillin brings the character to life. In the book, I dismissed the character, but he is much more present with Mr. Chillin’s representation in the television series.
Gerbert is not someone that you want to cross. Trevor Eve does such a brilliant job of projecting exactly how dangerous Gerbert is. The scene where we learn about what happens when a vampire drinks your blood was so well executed and freaky at the same time.
Teresa does a fabulous job playing Diana. I could see the wheels turning when she thinks about the book and Matthew.
Our Rating for this episode:

Third Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
There is another dark turn in store for Diana when an alarming package is slipped under her door. Meanwhile, her relationship with Matthew moves forward, but something is about to happen that will cast them both further into danger.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
We meet Nathanial and Sophie, a young daemon couple. Sophie holds an object that she believes needs to go to a special witch. Sophie is pregnant. She and Nathanial are very down-to-earth. Aisling Loftus and Daniel Ezra play these parts flawlessly.
Marcus and Miriam talk Diana into having her blood analyzed, but Matthew shows up in time to take her blood. Marcus and Miriam always have Matthew’s back. Marcus Whitmore is played by Edward Bluemel, who does an outstanding job. He completely brings Marcus to life. Aiysha Hart portrays Miriam Shephard. She is amazing; I love the looks that she gives people. You know when you have agitated her, that is for sure. Could you imagine seeing everything that Miriam has seen through history?
I love when Matthew growls at Knox in Diana’s rooms. Diana makes dinner for Matthew. I think she does a fantastic job with Marcus’ help. They seem to have a good time, but Diana pushes Matthew’s control a bit too far. Kissed and dismissed was my thought.
Of course, Jillian is tattling on Diana again. Seriously, she is such a jealous mess.
Knox and the other witches at Oxford confront Diana, and she protects herself and Sean by using witch wind. I adored the way that Matthew’s appearance helps to calm Diana’s wind. Matthew’s protectiveness of Diana is increasing.
The song Go Your Own Way plays, and it fits so perfectly in the scene. This production is superb.
The way Diana and Matthew leave for Sept-Tours together hand in hand is so romantic.
Our Rating for this episode:

Fourth Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
Diana gets a chilly welcome when she seeks safety at the Clairmont family home. Back in Oxford, trouble is brewing. Juliette shows up and throws Marcus’ life into danger, while Satu pays the price for her curiosity.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
The congregation room and all the connecting keys are very cool.
Horseback riding with Diana and Matthew is a beautiful scene. Those horses are so beautiful, and the scene was just so magical.
The way that everything ties together amaze me, and it’s what draws me to the story.
“There is good and evil in every species.” ~Diana
Ysabeau is one of my favorite characters, and Lindsay Duncan has cemented that fact with her portrayal of Ysabeau de Clermont. The thing about Ysabeau is that she has the physical strength to kill, but she also has a good heart. However, I wouldn’t tell Ysabeau that at all. Ysabeau philosophy about revenge:
“Whoever did it, make them pay…It doesn’t take the pain away but it helps.” ~Ysabeau
The dancing, first with Matthew and his mother and then when he and Diana dance, these scenes are so magnificent.
Diana and the witch water is another scene that I loved.
Our Rating for this episode:

Fifth Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
Tensions between the creatures grow as the witches find out the vampires are studying DNA. Matthew crosses a line when he returns to Oxford. Diana discovers his dark past, before something unexpected tears them apart.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
Matthew’s lab is broken into by Jillian as retribution. Matthew attacks Jillian showing himself and us what she saw.
Diana confesses her love for Matthew.
Ysabeau tells Matthew’s origin story. I loved these scenes.
Diana finds the Knights of Lazarus wax seal.
Matthew tells Diana that he loves her, and now they are mated/married.
“The women of the de Clermont family defend themselves, you will be no different.” ~Ysabeau to Diana
Satu makes a deal with Gerbert.
Diana’s blood results are in, and its content surprises the vampires.
Bundling – a new old-fashioned definition.
Satu takes Diana.
Our Rating for this episode:

Sixth Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
Matthew and Baldwin race to save Diana from Satu’s dangerous dark magic. In Oxford, Sophie shocks Agatha with a confession.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
Satu takes Diana to Gerbert’s castle to interrogate Diana, and she tells lies about Matthew and Jillian.
Keeping secrets = betrayal, punished by death. Apparently, not all things about being a witch are good.
Em and Sarah can feel Diana’s pain.
The witch’s head in the box is nuts. Although, being Gerbert’s slave for that long, I would be nuts too.
“Beware of the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf. She will be the end of the children of the night.” ~Witch’s head in the box keeps taunting Gerbert with this.
Diana dreams about Mom and Dad, but she isn’t dreaming.
Em sees Dianna and helps Matthew find her with Ysabeau’s help.
Trystan Gravelle, as Baldwin Montclair, does such an excellent job. The outrage and attitude are much like the character in the book.
Our Rating for this episode:

Seventh Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
Diana’s aunts’ home gives up all sorts of secrets when Diana and Matthew pay a visit. Danger looms as Juliette breaks free from Gerbert.
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
Diana and Matthew are leaving Sept-Tours for Madison. This scene is much different from the book. Diana is stronger here, and Baldwin doesn’t accompany them.
The Bishop house in Madison is so very witchy, a little rundown with tons of character.
“We’re witches, of course, it’s haunted.” ~ Diana to Matthew
The council meeting has to wait for Gerbert and Satu to join.
Em tells Diana that her parents bound her. Sarah didn’t know, and she is as upset as Diana. The house shows the story of Diana’s spellbinding. Also, Matthew is the Shadow Prince in her parent’s stories.
I think that Alex Kingston does an outstanding job of playing Sarah. Sarah has so much strength, emotion, power, and stubbornness, which Alex shows so well. Valarie Pettiford is excellent as Emily too. She takes off Sarah’s rough edges. They make an excellent pair.
Satu visits Knox and confronts him about Diana’s parents. He reveals that he loved Rebecca’s power more than her.
Diana learns that Stephen was a time walker. Diana is learning to use magic to defend herself.
Agatha goes to Hamish for access to Matthew and Diana.
There is a scorching bedroom scene. Wow!
The Bishop house gives them clues to what they could do to protect themselves.
Domenico takes Satu and Juliette ends up in Madison.
Our Rating for this episode:

Eighth Episode
Episode Plot Summary:
With danger at every turn, Diana and Matthew are forced to run. But will they escape in time?
Our thoughts and observations of this episode:
The last episode of the first season, and it didn’t disappoint.
Juliette finds Diana and Matthew alone in the barn. Juliette tries to kill Matthew, but Diana uses witch fire in the form of a bow and arrow. This is so cool! Then Diana saves Matthew, but she has used the goddess’ help, requiring something that hasn’t yet been decided.
Domenico goes to Gerbert about Satu. Gerbert assaults Satu.
Mirium wants to test Diana’s blood; there is a bit of drama before it’s decided.
Matthew and Diana decide to time walk to an earlier time so that Diana can learn more about her magic, and they will be safer. Once that is determined, the Bishop house gives them a poppet.
Hamish picks up things needed from Sept-Tours for the time walk and heads to Madison.
Diana must perfectly time walk to take Matthew and herself back to the past.
“Magic is in the heart.” ~Em tries to get Diana to open up to the magic.
Gerbert and Knox unite to take down Baldwin and the de Clermont family.
Sophia and Nathanial show up with Hamish in Madison. They tell everyone about the baby’s connection and stay over. Now there are three vampires, three witches, and three daemons, like a shadow congregation.
Diana and Matthew successfully travel twenty-five days in the past to spend an evening at Sept-Tours.
Matthew gives the Knights of Lazarus to Marcus. This part is very different than the book. Then everyone leaves so that Matthew and Diana have some time alone before time walking.
Back in Venice, Baldwin is on the hot seat in the congregation meeting, but the daemons, and Domenico, vote to save his head, literally.
Satu, Gerbert, and Knox find out where Diana and Matthew are staying. They break into the house as Diana and Matthew are starting to time travel. Diana turns around mid-time walk… That is the cliffhanger.
Our Rating for this episode:

Wrap Up
So overall, this season of Discovery of Witches is fabulous. We adored it and can’t wait for the next season. They are currently filming at the time of this post, and they have been picked up for a season three (or third book).
These are the questions I have about the ending of season one:
Are they going to 1590 or not? This is different from the book, so will the next season follow Shadow of Night (book 2), or will it start to sway? I am hoping they follow the book.
Thank you for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed our review of the Discovery of Witches ~ Season 1.
If you would like to see the Discovery of Witches book review, click HERE. You can check out the cast list HERE, and we will be adding to it for seasons two and three.
Episode summaries are from IMDB.
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