by Liz Schulte
Series: Sekhmet Bounty Series #1
Series Rating:

Published by Smashwords Edition on December 15, 2015
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 219
Format: Kindle
Get Your Copy at: Amazon
I have learned a few things in my life. If you can’t wear clean underwear, don’t wear any at all. Never trust a vampire. Secret ruling councils should generally be avoided. Finally, and this is the most important, very few people are ever what they seem.However, it wasn’t always easy to live by these rules. Like, when said secret ruling council demanded my appearance and then did the worst thing they could possible do and inflamed my curiosity. Asking me to go to New Orleans to investigate a series of werewolf attacks, I couldn’t possibly say no to that.The first problem was werewolves had been eliminated from the Abyss so it was impossible that they were killing anyone. The second fiasco was that more vampires were in this city than ever before, including the one who was intent on ruining my life. And the third complication was I couldn’t tell anyone else about my mission or I would forfeit my freedom to the council.Some missions are easy. Others are a Catastrophe.
My Thoughts: Curiosity may not kill the cat but…
First I must say that even though this is the first part of the Sekhmet Series, it is a spin off from the world of Liz Schulte. I like that Ms. Schulte doesn’t rehash the previous books and disrupt the story of this one. I have read her other books and thoroughly enjoy the world that she has created.
Femi is a wonderful character, she has depth, backbone, insecurities and attitude issues. She likes to know the “why” of each bounty not just how it is done. Femi does have a serious commitment issues. I am not sure if it is just a Sekhmet thing or just that she is afraid to lose someone she cares deeply for or she just hasn’t found that special person. Everyone has their own inner demons and reasons for being who they are. Femi is a warrior with tons of emotion and she cares way more than a Sekhmet should. Sekhmet are neutral in nature, but Femi has a hard time not helping the underdog/little guy.
Femi is extremely curious about the Abyss council. When they assign her a bounty in New Orleans, (ok they actually gloated her into taking the job). You know the ole’ greater good angle, either way Femi won’t back down and she can’t have unanswered questions if at all possible. Whenever the greater good plays in there is always a catastrophe on the horizon.
As for the Liz Schulte’s world of the Abyss, I love it. You have the humans who don’t see the other creatures walking among them, and you have the Abyss creatures. The Abyss creatures are wonderful and as with humans some are good, some are bad, and some are a little of both.
I think I truly like the mysteries that Ms. Schulte uses in each story, she keeps me guessing and manages to toss in that little bit to make me question if the one I picked is the bad guy (or should I say main bad guy). You really never know how many angles are being played until the story plays out. However, I like the way she wraps it up, with a kind of happy ending.
She also has that little bit of romance that keeps you coming back. As for Femi and Sy, I like the flirting and the way they protect each other, but I hope that there is a person that is truly for Femi. Someone who will compliment her and become the partner that she truly needs. If Sy is this person than that is great if not, I can’t wait to see who or what Ms. Schulte can imagine.
So, if you haven’t already read Liz Schulte’s Easy Bake Coven series, The Guardian Trilogy, or The Jinn Trilogy, you might want to look into these. She also has a few short stories that go with her world of the Abyss. My rating is 5 stars.
This is a Guest Review for Baroness’ Book Trove. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book for your site. ~Jen
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