Michelle M. Pillow
Michelle M. Pillow writes these wonderfully funny cozy mysteries with quirky characters who find themselves in hilarious situations. She is one of the authors who write the Happily Ever Lasting Series. Later this month she is releasing a spin-off of the series called the (Un)Lucky Valley Series. I can’t wait for this one to come out as my Mom has told me so much about Aunt Polly and her pet lobster. Yep, pet lobster. Polly even dresses him up and everything.
I wanted to thank Michelle for taking the time to answer my questions and celebrate my blog’s 4th Blogoversary with me. I truly appreciate your time.

Anyway, here are Michelle’s answers to questions I asked her. The questions are broken up into three categories.
Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
I’m an author and photographer. I love traveling, trying new things, and have the best job in the world. And I get to make things up for a living. I have a wonderful husband and daughter. My readers are the best in the universe. I’m also a huge animal lover. I’m a pet to three dogs and a cat, and once hand fed and rubbed the belly of a rhinoceros.
What made you want to become a writer?
I have always loved telling stories with words and pictures. I used to do so as a photographer and thought that was going to be my future, but writing took off and I’ve never looked back.
What book that you have read has most influenced your life?
I’ve read a lot of classics. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was a favorite. Not only because it made for a good romance, but it brought up ideas of women making choices in a time where the constraints of societal expectations were tight—perhaps not in ways we would consider amazing today, but notable for that time. I also loved Steinbeck’s Travels with Charley for the anthropological snapshots of America at the time. I like books that make me think and make me question, while still telling an interesting story. Ok, and in the case of Austen, I loved Darcy’s first botched proposal.
What do you want your tombstone to say?
That I lived to be a thousand years old and died in some spectacularly funny, unbelievable way.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
To clean with a point of my finger and materialize food at whim.
Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before (real or imaginary)?
New Zealand, and the planet of Qurilixen where my Dragon Lords live.
Do you have a bucket list? What is the last item on it?
There will never be a last item on my list. I love traveling and trying new things, and I don’t see that ever changing. For everything that is marked off my life list, five more are added.

Writing Style
What do you love most about your writing process?
That it is something I can do anywhere.
Do you like music or silence?
I like television in the background, the sound of people talking, but not lyrics I’m trying to sing along to.
Do you have goals of certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes?
This depends on the current deadlines. I like to do several thousand words a day.
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?
I try to tell my characters what to do, but they rarely listen.
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Interruptions. They pull me out of the flow and it is sometimes hard to get back into it.
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I had the recent pleasure of getting to know Gena Showalter, Jill Monroe, Kristen Painter, Leigh Duncan, Laura Freeman, and Roxanne St. Claire at writers’ retreat. They are an amazing bunch of ladies. Author Mandy M. Roth is my bestie. We started out in this business together nearly 15 years ago and have been friends ever since. They all inspire me with their talent and their spirit. There are more, too many to list.
How important are character names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning?
I like to know my characters before writing, that way I know how they would react to the situations I throw at them. Their name is a big part of that. It tells me where they are from, and who their parents might have been. What they like to be called also reveals who they are.

What is your favorite part of Better Haunts & Garden Gnomes?
The excitement from readers when they find out there is going to be more of the character Aunt Polly.
Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?
I think authors always put a little bit of themselves into books, whether intentional or not. This one is easy though. I love garden gnomes. I want a magical village of them in my yard. So far, the family had curbed that, lol, and I’m not sure it would make the neighbors happy.
What was your favorite part to write and why?
I love the world building for Lucky Valley and (Un)Lucky Valley and creating a mythos for the Goode and Crawford families.
How did you come up with the title?
The very lovely Mandy Roth (extraordinary author!) and I were having a title brainstorming session for several of our series. This came up in our rapid back-and-forth and I loved it the second it was said.
If you could spend time with a character from any of your cozy mysteries who would it be? And what would you do during that day? (PG-13, please 🙂 )
Aunt Polly. She is one of my favorites to write. She’s fun, quirky, and not afraid to be herself. She is what I hope to be when I’m older, well, minus telling people I have magical powers. Though, it is possible I’ll have my gnome village by then. She’s the kind of woman who would make any activity fun.
What project are you working on now?
I’m currently working on a science fiction romance and a contemporary Scottish warlock romance. The Warlocks MacGregor series is a fan favorite, full of pranks, antics, and an uncle who often loses his clothes and proposes to every woman he meets.
Do you have any other books coming out this year?
Space Lords: His Earth Maiden, science fiction romance, just released in May. I have a pretty busy release schedule. I hope to have another Warlocks MacGregor novel out around October, as well as a brand new project I have yet to announce to my readers. It is my hope that readers love (Un)Lucky Valley as much as I do so that I can keep writing in that world.

Cozy Mysteries
Check out the reviews for the Happily Everlasting Series:
New Series, (Un)Lucky Valley set for release on June 26th. Check out my Giveaways for a chance to win a copy.

Other Books
I haven’t had the opportunity to read her more romantic series, but my Mom has them on her TBR list. If you have time check out some of Michelle M. Pillow’s other series you can follow the link below.
List of All Books
Where to find Michelle M. Pillow
If you would like to know more about Michelle check the links below. She likes to get in touch with readers on social media so please reach out to her.
Website Facebook Twitter Goodreads Instagram Pinterest
Thank you again, Michelle, for agreeing to do the interview and helping me celebrate my 4th blogoversary.
Until the next time, happy reading!
Baroness’ Book Trove
Thank you for having me <3
Thank you for having me! <3