Awakening by Diane Green

Posted June 9, 2024 by karenbaron in Review, Romance, Young Adult / 0 Comments

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Awakening by Diane Green


by Diane Campbell Green
Published by Palmetto Publishing on November 21, 2023
Setting: Yardley, Pennsylvania
Genres: YA Romance
Pages: 142
Format: Paperback
Source: the Author
Get Your Copy at: Amazon

At fifteen, Becky Chalmers is just starting to understand the complexities of love. Beginning with a spine-chilling visit to a state archive fraught with haunting secrets, Becky's fledging love life becomes entwined in suspense. She is separated from her first high school crush, then she makes a timid venture to try romance again. Her belief in the promise of a love that lasts a lifetime is tested. Life is never straightforward. From teen trials such as jealousy, parental restrictions, embarrassment, and rebellion, Becky learns to navigate the waters of growing up.

Guided by a wise father, a cherished brother, a loving grandmother, and a steadfast friend, Becky is not alone. Yet when the path becomes uncertain, faith becomes her guiding light. Intertwined with adventure and a touch of the paranormal, Awakening: An Enchanted Romance unveils Becky's journey filled with laughter, tears, and life's unexpected moments.

As Becky's world unfolds, readers will be captivated by this tale of young love and the strength that emerges from heartbreak. Dive into this compelling coming-of-age romance, where love's power to heal and transform shines through every page.

Awakening by Diane Green is about a young teenage girl named Becky Chalmers and her love life.

Who will Becky fall in love with?

Becky Chalmers

Becky Chalmers is our main character and the one we follow throughout this journey. She is a sweet young teenager who has her faith that helps her throughout her journey. Becky’s journey isn’t easy, but she becomes stronger than ever. She is the first child of her parents, and she has two twin brothers and a younger sister.

Juan Carlos

Becky’s first love was with Juan Carlos. They barely started their relationship before he had to flee the States to protect his niece. Becky was so upset after this, and she had a bit of a lull in her romantic life.Awakening CR

Scotty Cadwallader

Scotty was her first real boyfriend. He had always thought the two would be together since they were young. Except that Becky never thought of him like that until she all of a sudden did. This relationship wasn’t to last either since Scotty got swayed by another pretty girl at their school.


Becky had a rough time getting her love life going, and I’m not sure if I am happy with who she ends up actually dating.

3 Star

My rating for Awakening by Diane Green is three stars. Ms. Green has a good story on her hands. I just got confused in certain spots. I had a hard time figuring out what time we were in; by that, I mean how much time passed from the beginning to the end of the story, along with Becky’s life.


Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Awakening by Diane Green.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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About Diane Campbell Green

Diane Campbell Green

Diane Green’s passion for history and creative writing began in Pennsylvania and flourished in Massachusetts, where she gained a classical education and experience as an historian.  A graduate of Worcester State University, her educational pursuits led her to the University of Virginia. Her career shifted in NYC during the 1980s when she became an executive recruiter, honing her dialogue skills.  Now living in Tarpon Springs, Florida, Diane has earned several Story Monster awards for her Becky Chalmers Series. Dedicated to crafting wholesome tales, Diane also enjoys walking, spending time with family, and reading.

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Awakening by Diane Green

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