What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson ~ Spotlight

Posted June 27, 2024 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Book Excerpt, Contest - Giveaway, Spotlight / 1 Comment

What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson ~ Spotlight

What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson What Grows From the Dead

Author: Dave Dobson

Genre:  Mystery

Setting: North Carolina

Release Date: March 9, 2024, by Independently Published

Pages: 367


Morris Drummond is not at his best. Well, he hasn’t been at his best for a while now. But having just suffered two crushing losses, he’s almost at rock bottom, which for him means driving ride-share in his mom’s beat up Chevy, drowning his sorrows in tacos and spray cheese, and avoiding anything related to ambition, self-care, or laundry.

Morris is about to learn that he didn’t even know what rock bottom looked like, and it’s all thanks to his mom. A secret she left behind comes to light, and that brings down a lot of unwanted attention on Morris, the kind that looks likely to send him either to prison or to the hereafter. Blood and treachery from long ago rise to the surface, and Morris has only his lawyer Annie, who’s an old high school friend, and a few unexpected allies to call on as he tries to figure out what his mom was up to and why so many people want him out of the picture.

A humorous mystery with elements of suspense and thrillers, What Grows From the Dead is set in present-day small-town North Carolina, not far from the mysterious Uwharrie Forest.

Content warnings: Coarse language throughout; some gun violence (not graphic).

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What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson covers



Mindy came back carrying a cord. “Whoa, you got the gun out?”

“It’s a weapon, apparently.”


“Never mind. It’s not loaded. There aren’t any bullets.” I handed her Mom’s phone. “Does the cord fit this?”

“Yup. Might be a while until it’s charged enough to turn on.” She plugged the cord into the phone and found an outlet by the couch.

I thought for a moment. “It might have a password, or a pattern or something. Or face recognition.” That would be awkward, not to mention difficult to manage without an exhumation. I wondered how long post-mortem you could still unlock your phone.

“It’s too old for face, I think. You can disable passwords with special software. My friend Daron has done it with old phones people give him. They could do it at the cell phone store, I think, or maybe there’s something we could download. I can ask him.”

I looked at her. “I am not sure I want you part of this.”

Eye roll #6. “Dad, it’s not like you’re committing a crime or anything. You got a phone from your mom, which means it’s yours now, and we’re working to see if there’s anything on it. Family pictures, messages we need to know about, emails we should respond to. Maybe she’s got somebody on Tinder she had a hot fling with and then ghosted, and he’s all sad now.”

“Gross, Mindy. And I don’t think it’s technically ghosting if you died.”

“Seems like that’s the most ghosting of all.”

I waited a moment, hoping this topic would go away. “Let’s get some food. We can’t just eat pancakes all the time. I don’t want to stunt your growth.” I smiled.

“Ouch, Dad. Seriously. 10th percentile here. It’s a sensitive subject.” She made a face at me. “Can I get candy? And chips?”

“Sure, as long as you pick a vegetable too.” Eye roll #7. I looked down at the gun. “Let me put this someplace not obvious. I think I need a license or something, don’t I?” I picked up the gun and put the magazine back in.

“Maybe. I’ll look it up on the way to the store, once we’re out of this stupid dead zone you live in. Let me get my shoes.” She headed off for the front door.

After some thought, I stowed the gun in the bottom drawer of the dresser, under Mom’s jewelry box. I should probably get a gun safe, although with no bullets, it seemed not so urgent. Better still, I could just get rid of the thing. I had no interest in owning one, family heirloom or no. But I wanted to know what was up with the phone first, and how it might be connected. 

Dammit, Mom. What were you involved with?


About the Author

Dave Dobson

A native of Ames, Iowa, Dave loves writing, reading, boardgames, computer games, improv comedy, pizza, barbarian movies, and the cheaper end of the Taco Bell menu. Also, his wife and kids.

Dave is the author of Snood, Snoodoku, Snood Towers, and other computer games. Dave first published Snood in 1996, and it became one of the most popular shareware games of the early Internet. He’s recently published some puzzle card games in the Doctor Esker’s Notebook series.

Dave taught geology, environmental studies, and computer programming at Guilford College for 24 years. He does improv comedy at the Idiot Box in Greensboro, North Carolina. He’s also played the world’s largest tuba in concert. Not that that is relevant, but it’s still kinda cool.

Flames Over Frosthelm was Dave’s first novel, released in 2019. He followed it a year later with Traitors Unseen and The Outcast Crown, then Daros in 2021, The Woeling Lass in 2022, and Got Trouble and Kenai in 2023. He released his first mystery novel, What Grows From the Dead, in 2024, and he’s currently at work on a humorous epic fantasy novel.

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Prize: Prize 1: Paperback Copy of What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson; Prize 2: 3 ebook Copies of What Grows From the Dead by Dave Dobson

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