As you all know this month I am featuring the authors of the Oceanic Dreams romantic comedy series.
Our third author is Tracy Krimmer.
Circle in the Sand is the first book that I have read of Tracy Krimmer’s books. She has a wonderful sense of humor. I am adding some of her books to my TBR shelf.
This new series is about finding love on the Oceanic Aphrodite cruise ship or so the legend goes. I am looking forward to reading the next five books.
Let’s see what Tracy Krimmer has to say.

Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
That I’m very shy! It really may not seem like it. I tend to talk to anyone about anything but sometimes it takes working up a lot of nerve to do it. I think people assume I am outgoing because I do talk to so many people. That’s not the case!
What inspired you to start writing?
I don’t know. Honestly. I have been writing since about third grade when we started our first creative writing classes in school. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to write.
Who is your favorite author?
This changes a lot. Jodi Picoult is at the top of my list and I recently discovered Katherine Center.
What book are you currently reading?
Girl in the Rearview Mirror by Kelsey Rae Dimberg.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
A healing ability. It would be amazing to be able to heal people’s pain.
Who is your favorite superhero?
As a kid, I loved She-Ra. Also Wonder Woman. I think today I’d go with Ant-Man simply because Paul Rudd is hysterical and adorable.
Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before (real or imaginary)?
There are too many to list. I haven’t traveled much out of state. Las Vegas and Disney are really it. So I’d travel pretty much anywhere if I could!
Are you a better baker or cook or take out connoisseur?
Baking! I just started baking over the past year. I love to make scones.
Which do you prefer?
Tea or coffee: Coffee with just a splash of cream
Hot or cold: Hot. I’m usually wrapped in blankets
Movie or book: Book, of course!
Coke or Pepsi: Whichever is available
What do you love most about your writing process?
Publishing! I love seeing my books out in the world.
Do you like music or silence?
It really depends on the day. Sometimes if I am at a coffee shop I just like to listen to the conversations around me.
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
In the past, I’d say the characters hijack it. Now I am starting to outline more so I have more control.
What knocks you off your writing game?
Schedule changes. When there are days off of school or summer vacation rolls around, I’m all off-kilter.
Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?
All my books have some real-life aspects if it’s a mention of a scenario or a place I’ve been.
If you could spend time a character from your books whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?
The grandma from my All That series. We’d have coffee and I’d listen to her tell stories.
What genres do you write?
Romantic comedy / chick lit / women’s fiction. I really want to try my hand at writing thrillers but it honestly scares me.
What made you and the other Oceanic Dreams authors choose the Oceanic Aphrodite as the setting of your story?
Oh my gosh, I don’t remember! I just remember mention of a cruise ship series and it all kind of went from there.
What project are you working on now?
I am revising my holiday book!
Do you have any other books coming out this year?
The holiday book! Watch for it in October.

If you would like to learn more about Tracy Krimmer and her books:

Tracy Krimmer’s Books
The third book in the Oceanic Dreams Series
Circle in the Sand by Tracy Krimmer
Publication Date: June 17, 2019
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Follow the rules. Be reliable. Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve.
Living by these words didn’t put librarian Isla Hunter any closer to the life she imagined at thirty. With her birthday in only a few days, she can’t wait to sail away on a week in the sun with her friends Asher and Charlotte. It may be just what she needs.
When an attractive woman takes a liking to Asher, Isla’s heart feels threatened in an unfamiliar way. She’s used to Asher flipping through women like a playbook without a second thought, but this time it’s different. As she tries to sort out her emotions, she struggles with Asher’s connection with this woman. Is it time for Isla to finally break the rules or will that only lead her into hot water?

All That Series

Pastime Pursuits Series

Romantic Comedies

Thank you, Tracy Krimmer, for being featured on the Baroness’ Book Trove and letting all of us get to know you.
Until the next time, happy reading!

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