Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones

Posted September 14, 2024 by BaronessMom in Blog Tour, Contest - Giveaway, Mystery, Review, Series / 2 Comments

Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones

Tallowed Ground

by Valona Jones
Series: Magic Candle Shop Mystery #3
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by Crooked Lane Books on September 10, 2024
Setting: Savannah, Georgia
Genres: Cozy Paranormal Crafts and Hobbies Mystery
Pages: 269
Format: Kindle
Source: Great Escapes Book Tours
Get Your Copy at: AmazonKoboiBooksNook
Also in this series: In the Wick of Time

When a killer props his third and latest victim against the double tombstone of Tabby and Sage Winslow’s grandparents’ grave in Bonaventure Cemetery, in Savannah, Georgia, the psychic twins are stunned. Even worse, the victim is the very man they filed a restraining order against a few months ago for trashing their book and candle shop. Coincidence...or a connection? Then a clue about the murders points to Tabby’s career as a candlemaker. Now, she is a person of interest in the killing spree.

The twins investigate all three victims, finding little that might tie the cases together besides where the bodies were found—in or near Bonaventure Cemetery, a beautiful 100-acre historic graveyard with a storied past. Then Tabby’s Medical Examiner boyfriend is mysteriously pulled from the case, with his dream job in jeopardy.

The situation reaches a flashpoint when new evidence also points to Tabby. With her freedom and the family business in jeopardy, Tabby matches her wits and psychic abilities against the wily killer. As the stakes continue to rise, Tabby realize she is the city’s last hope because law enforcement will never catch this villain. She believes he’s from her world and can run circles around people who have no psychic abilities.

Then Tabby’s spirited sleuthing lands her in the worst kind of trouble. Can Tabby clear her name before the fiend snuffs her flame…for good?

Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Will Tabby figure out who the killer is before he finds her?

Tabby & Sage

Tabby and Sage are moving on with their lives. Yet, Tabby really wants to know more about her family tree, and her aunt is still stonewalling them. Aunt Oralee doesn’t want to talk about the past and tells Tabby and Sage that if their mother wanted them to know, she would have told them herself. Even though so many things are changing in their lives, Tabby finds comfort with Quig. Their connection proves to be strong.Tallowed Ground CR

Sage and Brindle’s relationship is also advancing nicely. It looks like Sage can trust him after what happened in the last book. Sage is still a bit selfish and very needy. I like how Tabby stood up for herself when Sage took advantage of her.

I enjoy spending time with both couples, but my favorite is Tabby and Quig. The two of them truly compliment each other.

The Mystery

The mystery kept me guessing. From the beginning, Tabby was being set up, and it was obvious that she wasn’t responsible for the killings. It made it clear that more people know about Tabby and Sage than they even realize. I didn’t suspect the culprit or his history. Although I believe he did everything they said he did, I also think he may have done more than they just suspected.

Five Stars

My rating for Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones is five stars. I love the setting, the sisters, and their friends. I would definitely shop at their store. Ms. Jones writes a compelling story.

I am looking forward to the next installment. If you are looking for a fabulous paranormal cozy mystery, I recommend this one.


Magical Candle Shop Mysteries

Snuffed Out by Valona Jones In the Wick of Time by Valona Jones



Prize: $25 Amazon gift certificate, and 3 Signed Trade Paperback Copies of Tallowed Ground: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery by Valona Jones.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT



About Valona Jones

Valona Jones

Valona Jones writes paranormal cozy mysteries set in Southern locales. Her work blends mystery and the unexplained, along with a sprinkle of romance. A former scientist, she’s drawn to the study of personal energy. She sharpened her people-watching skills as a lifelong introvert and thankfully had a bank vault full of personal observations when she began to write fiction. She’s a member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime. She lives in coastal Georgia, where she’s seen time and tide wait for no one.

Maggie Toussaint writes cozy mystery and suspense under her own name and the pen name Valona Jones. She writes science fiction as Rigel Carson.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

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  • Jenz 2024 Cloak and Dagger
  • Jenz 2024 Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge
  • Jenz 2024 Craving the Cozies
  • Jenz 2024 Cruisin’ thru the Cozies
  • Jenz 2024 Finishing the Series RC
  • Jenz 2024 Goodreads RC
  • Jenz 2024 Medical Examiner Mystery RC
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Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones

2 responses to “Tallowed Ground by Valona Jones

  1. Thanks so much for your review, Jen. I am delighted that you enjoyed the read and the characters. As most readers know, Sage has been a work-in-progress for the entire series. She has the unfortunate role of being a character foil for her twin, but she is starting to figure life out. Perhaps Tabby is rubbing off on her… Next book is planned for February 2025. And the final book I hope to have out by the end of 2025 but we’ll just have to see how the writing goes. I am not a speedy gonzales, so to speak. Just a free spirit trying to get it all done! Thanks again for the review. Much appreciated.

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