Stiletto to the Pedal by Karen C. Whalen ~ Spotlight

Posted May 15, 2024 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Book Excerpt, Contest - Giveaway, Spotlight / 2 Comments

Stiletto to the Pedal by Karen C. Whalen ~ Spotlight

Stiletto to the Pedal by Karen C. WhalenStiletto to the Pedal

Series: Tow Truck Murder Mysteries #5

Author: Karen C. Whalen

Genre:  Cozy Mystery

Setting: Colorado

Release Date: May 15, 2024, by The Wild Rose Press

Pages: 250


When the IRS claims Delaney Morran, the high-heeled tow truck driver and amateur sleuth, owes back taxes, she hires an accountant to fight Uncle Sam. Before Delaney can resolve the issue, a tax collector shows up in Spruce Ridge, Colorado demanding an amount Delaney can’t afford. It gets worse when Delaney’s accountant becomes the town’s next murder victim and Delaney’s tax records are locked inside the crime scene. The quickest way to get the Internal Revenue off her case is to catch the killer and get her files back, so she speeds around town questioning suspects while keeping one step ahead of the tax man.

Will Delaney be able to solve yet another murder and secure her records before the IRS shuts her down?

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Interview or Excerpt

There was something I needed to ask DiNerdo. “Who told you I had assets?”

The tax man answered, “I can’t divulge that. Informants are kept confidential.”

“I have a right to know.”

“There’s no right to that information in the tax code.”

How did I ever think he was a nice person? I rolled my eyes. “Oh, the all-important tax code.”

He sighed. “But it’s apparent your only asset is your tow truck.”

A pit opened in my stomach and I clasped my hands in my lap to keep them from trembling. “Don’t even think of laying a hand on my truck. I’ll borrow the money from my parents. I’ll get it for you.” Yes, I caved.

He snapped, “It’s not me you owe. It’s the United States Department of Treasury.”

“You said I still have four days left. Four days, remember? I’m certain I’ll have the money to you by then.” This hassle would all be over soon and DiNerdo would leave me alone.

He stood. “Good day, Ms. Morran. Thanks for the tea.” His face looked grim as he strode over to the sink and put his mug inside.

“You’re welcome.” I swung the door open wide and slammed it shut behind him.

Could the IRS really take possession of my truck? My self-loading Fulcan Xtruder was paid for. I’d inherited it free and clear. An asset to the business, yes, but more valuable to me than an asset. The truck had been my dad’s. It represented my connection to him. What if I lost the truck? If I was a good daughter I’d take good care of his truck.

Threatening to take my truck brought out a whole new level of angry. Threatening my self-loader made me bat-shit crazy. Nobody was going to take that away from me, not even Uncle Sam.


The Tow Truck Murder Mysteries

Tow Truck Murder Mysteries


About the Author

Karen C. WhalenKaren C. Whalen is the author of two mystery series for The Wild Rose Press: the Dinner Club Mysteries featuring Jane Marsh, an empty nester who hosts a gourmet dinner club, and the Tow Truck Mysteries starring Delaney Morran, a super feminine shoe-a-holic who drives a tow truck. Both are cozy mysteries about strong friendships and family ties set in Colorado. The first book in the Dinner Club series tied for First Place in the Suspense Novel category of the 2017 IDA Contest sponsored by Oklahoma Romance Writers of America. Whalen worked for many years as a paralegal at a law firm in Denver, Colorado, and was a columnist and regular contributor to The National Paralegal Reporter magazine. Whalen loves to host dinner parties, entertain friends, ride bicycles, hike in the mountains, walk on the beach, and read cozy murder mysteries.

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Prize: 2 Digital Copies of the book Stiletto to the Pedal (The Tow Truck Murder Mysteries) by Karen C. Whalen

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Thank you for dropping by! So, what do you think of Stiletto to the Pedal by Karen C. Whalen? Check out the other stops and enter the awesome giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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