Shifting and Shenanigans
Series: The Magical Mystery Book Club #1
Author: Elizabeth Pantley
Genre: Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Release Date: July 15, 2022
Pages: 210
Paige and her adventurous Aunt Glo inherit a country inn from eccentric GeeGee. They pack up and hit the road, arriving at the charming place they both loved since childhood. Finally! They can get into the secret room in the basement that GeeGee kept locked! They discover it’s a wonderful library filled to the brim with mystery books. But more than the room was a secret – it’s a magical place that houses enchanted books. Paige and Glo find themselves smack-dab in the middle of a murder mystery, along with a motley group of book club friends. The club will need to work together to solve the case in order to get out of the book and back to their home.

Character Interview with Sebastian
How did you and your author meet?
Thank you for having me today; I’m Sebastian. I’m a member of the Magical Mystery Book Club. A new member, actually. Well, all of us are new, but that’s a long story. My author and her main characters just opened the club, and I’m honored to be one of the first in their group.
Why did this writer decide to feature you in a book?
I would assume that it’s because I add drama, excitement, and life to the pages! Who doesn’t want someone in their book who has a flair for the dramatic and a dash of spirit and complete enthusiasm for life! Okay, fine. She also thinks I’m a bit of a melodramatic coward, but that still adds life to the page, right?
Do you have any friends or family helping you out?
Our book club has become family to me. That happens when you go on life-threatening adventures, you know? We stick together.
Do you have a regular job and investigate on the side, or are you a full-time detective?
Oh, my goodness! Thank you for acknowledging my important role as an investigator. When we’re on an adventure, I’m definitely full time. Except when I’m off exploring the area, gathering gossip at the local salon, or heading out to dinner with my gang.
What is the funniest thing that happens to you or another character in this story?
Haha. One of our club-adjacent members is a talking cat. Frank is not exactly a member, but he’s the library cat, so definitely one of the group. When people first meet him, they can’t help but be entertained. Oh, here’s an example, when he introduces himself to the girls.
“You could say I come with the library. I suppose that would make me your cat now, in a manner of speaking, or perhaps you’re my people.” He chuckled. “I mean, someone must feed me since I’m unable to drive myself to the grocery store. As you might imagine. My cat door permits me to do my unmentionable business outside, and Theo has filled in with cat chow, but now it’s up to you two.”
“What’s your name?” asked Glo.
I turned to her. “Are you just skipping over the logical details and jumping right into hey, there talking cat, what’s your name?”
“At least one of you has some manners,” mumbled the cat. “Allow me to introduce myself. The name’s Frank.”
I burst out laughing. Glo gave me the side eye and whispered, “Shh.”
“Oh, and I suppose Paige is the name of the year?” He lifted his chin. “Frank would be short for Franklin. The name of one of our great presidents. Plus, frank is also a tasty meat dish and the concept of sincerity and honesty. And what about you, Miss Paige, the flat piece of paper?”
“How do you know who I am?” I skipped right over his mockery of my name, feeling badly that I laughed at his. It was just ridiculously absurd that this sleek, gorgeous cat could talk. And that his name was Frank.
Have you solved other cases, or is this your first one?
Shifting and Shenanigans tells the story of our first book club adventure. But new ones will follow every couple of months. There is so much fun ahead I can barely contain myself!
Do you have a gift or special talent?
My mere existence is a special gift, honey!
Who is the most important individual in your life?
I absolutely cannot answer that question. There are eight of us in the club, plus Frank. So I’ll have to say that position is tied equally among all of them.
What is your ideal vacation?
A cruise to Hawaii! I can say that with the utmost confidence since that’s where we just went in the second story of the Magical Mystery Book Club. I loved going to a luau and those fruit drinks with the little umbrellas in them – yummy!
If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
Change? I wouldn’t change a thing! Everything in life is a fantastic, daring, exciting adventure when you’re part of our enchanted book club!

Magical Mystery Book Club Series

About the Author
Elizabeth Pantley says that writing the Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series is the most fun she’s ever had at work. Fans of the series say her joy is evident through the stories she tells. Elizabeth is also the internationally bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, the beautiful inspiration for the enchanted Destiny Falls world.

Prize: (1) 3-Book Digital Boxed Set (Books 1-3) of the Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic series.

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Happy Reading!

Oh, grand Baroness, thank you very much for featuring the first book in my new series! I had absolutely too much fun writing this one! : – )