Ripped Genes by Lawrence E. Rothstein ~ Spotlight

Posted March 3, 2025 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Book Excerpt, Contest - Giveaway, Spotlight / 1 Comment

Ripped Genes by Lawrence E. Rothstein ~ Spotlight

Ripped Genes

Series:  Tri-Star Investigations #2

Author: Lawrence E. Rothstein

Genre:  Traditional Mystery

Setting: Greater Chicago area; Algoma, WI; Webster Groves, MO

Release Date: January 13, 2025, by Wild Rose Press

Pages: 288


Marko Korb is a fat, egotistical, and brilliant detective, Bosnian Jew, and a veteran of the war with Serbia. His associate, Kelan Su, is a Chinese-American woman who does most of the investigative legwork. She is a former Chicago police officer, licensed attorney, and martial arts expert. Desmond St. Clair, chef, tech expert, and former British SAS commando, joins the duo. Alan Scanlon, a medical scientist, head of the Shabel Institute, fraudulently patented and restricted the research on the gene for the rare genetic disease, feraxia. Golda Merino, the mother of a child with feraxia and head of a group that supported Scanlon’s research, is charged with Scanlon’s murder. The Tri-Star Investigations trio work with Attorney Cheryl Dain defending Golda. The detectives must discover the killer while negotiating Chicago’s underworld and politics.

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As I reached the door, it opened and Ron stood, holding it with a wide grin on his rugged face. The usual unruly strand of curly black hair had slipped down above his right eye.
“Kelan, it’s been too long. Miss ya. I guess you didn’t have any Skokie cases to pump me about.”
I exhaled and grimaced. Didn’t want to admit that he was right. But I also thought it was safer not to see him too often. “Ron, it’s good to see you.” I stepped up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He put his hand on my shoulder as he ushered me in. I felt an electric charge down my back.
He directed me to his small, cluttered office. At least it had good natural light and a nice view of Laramie Park to the east. He pointed to a chair for me and went around to sit behind his desk. I sat down and leaned back, assuming a casual pose. Ron rubbed his chin, looked down at his desk, then up at me, and asked, “To what do I owe this ‘official’ visit?”
When his intense, dark eyes met mine, I couldn’t suppress a quick intake of breath, belying my attempt at nonchalance. Why did we break up? Of course, I knew the answer. We loved our careers and couldn’t see how they would mesh.
I held Ron’s penetrating gaze for a long moment prior to speaking. I needed to regain my composure. I leaned forward and put my hands on his desk.
“You must know that Korb and I are working for Golda Merino’s lawyer regarding the Scanlon murder,” I began.
Ron nodded slightly without breaking his eye contact.
“But did you know that McGovern dropped the charges?”


Tri-Star Investigations Series

Venetian Bind by Lawrence E. Rothstein


About the Author

Lawrence E. RothsteinI am a retired lawyer and university professor who has published in constitutional law, privacy law, political theory and labor law. Born and raised in Chicago, I am now residing with my wife and family in beautiful southern Rhode Island.  I have lived and traveled widely in Europe.  As an avid reader of crime fiction, I have always wanted to write detective novels. As a lover of food and cooking, I include many scrumptious meals and some recipes in my novel and on my website.

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Prize: 4 Digital Copies of Ripped Genes (Tri-Star Investigations) by Lawrence E Rothstein

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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