Genre: Mystery

The Wipeout Affair by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds

The Wipeout Affair by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds

The Wipeout Affair by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds is a fantastic second installment in what I hope will be a long-lasting series. Will Lexi figure out who killed her friend? Lexie, Our Sleuth Lexie has left New York and move to Bocas del Toro, with the basics. She is working a couple of parttime jobs to […]

Turkey Basted to Death by Jodi Rath

Turkey Basted to Death by Jodi Rath

Turkey Basted to Death by Jodi Rath is a fantastic book to read on Thanksgiving Day while your turkey is cooking. Will Jolie figure out who killed Pria in time? Jolie Tucker Jolie Tucker is the main character, point of view, sleuth, and is dealing with personal issues. She has dealt with a lot of […]

Coming Up Murder by Mary Angela

Coming Up Murder by Mary Angela

Coming Up Murder by Mary Angela is a book that many of Shakespeare’s fans will love.   Would someone kill to protect Shakespeare’s name? Professor Emmeline Prather Professor Prather is an intelligent woman who has a serious boyfriend, a book being published, and she is the local Mis Marple. So, our sleuth and main character.  I […]

Ghosts of Painting Past by Sybil Johnson

Ghosts of Painting Past by Sybil Johnson

Ghosts of Painting Past by Sybil Johnson is a marvelous mystery wrapped around a recently found skeleton and a recent murder in the beach resort town of Vista Beach. Will Rory find out who is framing her father before it’s too late? Rory Anderson Rory is our sleuth, point of view character, computer programmer, and […]
