Format: Kindle

Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu

Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu

Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu takes a family that moved to a new house to a new kind of trouble. Is change always a good thing? Violet Hart For Violet Hart and her blended family, the change started from becoming a blended family. Then, after three years, Violet and her family move from […]

Posted January 8, 2024 by karenbaron in Children's, Review / 0 Comments
A Christmas Conundrum by Stacy Wilder

A Christmas Conundrum by Stacy Wilder

A Christmas Conundrum by Stacy Wilder is a short mystery with holiday flair. Will Liz and Babs find the thief before the mayor’s party is a bust? The holidays are upon Charleston, and with some last-minute changes, Liz’s parents are coming to Charleston instead of Liz and Brad going to Florida. Liz is in full […]

In$ured to the Hilt by Charlotte Stuart

In$ured to the Hilt by Charlotte Stuart

In$ured to the Hilt by Charlotte Stuart has claims adjuster John Smith investigating two murders that may or may not be connected. Can John Smith keep his insurance company from an unnecessary payout? John Smith Mr. Smith was a private investigator but is now a claims adjuster. He made the switch when he discovered he […]

Posted December 19, 2023 by karenbaron in Mystery, Review, Series / 0 Comments