Format: Audio CD

Death Overdue by Allison Brook

Death Overdue by Allison Brook

Death Overdue by Allison Brook has us seeing Carrie Singleton starting to make a home for herself. Who killed Al Buckley? Was it the same killer that took Laura Foster’s life? Carrie Singleton Carrie Singleton is a bit of a free spirit never settling down in one place for too long. Well, that is until […]

Dewey Decimated by Allison Brook

Dewey Decimated by Allison Brook

Dewey Decimated by Allison Brook is about Carrie trying to get her fiance’s uncle to move on, and to do that, she has to solve his murder. Who disliked Alec Dunmore enough to kill him? Carrie Singleton Carrie Singleton is no longer single as she’s engaged to Dylan Avery. I’m so happy for them as […]

Lost Hills by Lee Goldberg

Lost Hills by Lee Goldberg

Lost Hills by Lee Goldberg is a fast-paced wild ride with a fabulous lead character and her various supporting characters solving what a most heinous crime is. Will Eve figure out the Ape Man’s plan before it is too late? Eve Ronin Our main character, point of view, and a detective is Eve Ronin. She […]

Posted January 8, 2020 by BaronessMom in Guest Post, Mystery, Review / 1 Comment