I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Plum Pudding Bride
by Anne Garboczi Evans
Published by White Rose Books on December 1, 2015
Genres: Historical Romance
Pages: 88
Format: ebook
Source: the Author
Patience Callahan is twenty-five and fast becoming an old maid. But she s spent most of her life dreaming over romantic European literature and wants a dashing d Artagnan, not a bookish Bob Cratchit. Alas, the Colorado town of Gilman is chock-full of Cratchit s without a d Artagnan in sight. Peter Foote, the general store owner, has been in love with Patience for seven years. But every time he s on the verge of proposing, she cuts him off; he can only imagine on purpose. This time though, dadburn it, he s going to go through with it. Ring in hand, he s moments from touching knee to floor, when Patience pulls out a list of mail-order bride advertisements and declares her intention to marry a backwoods stranger, on Christmas Day. Peter has two weeks to change her mind."
My take on this story: Plum Pudding Bride by Anne Garboczi Evans is an awesome short story that is perfect to read during the winter time. It’s a quick little read that will leave you wanting more. Or at least it did for me. Ms. Evans is a fantastic writer that has an awesome ability to will bring you into her books on the first page. Especially for a novella like this one.
What I liked about this book. There is quite a bit that I like about this book, besides it being a novella which is sometimes the best reads anyone might find, is that it captivates you right away with wondering about this beau of Patience’s that she agreed to marry from a newspaper ad for a mail-order bride. Another thing that captivated me about this book is that the characters are all three dimensional and makes you wonder how long they have been growing in the author’s mind. Especially the two main characters in the story. I also liked how one doesn’t know who the antagonist of the story is until it gets toward that point of the story that the antagonist reveals themselves which was really great in mind.
The main character is Peter Foote who is the general store owner and has been in love with Patience Callahan for seven years but she doesn’t return his affections. He and another character decide to try and get Patience jealous and call off her wedding with her beau from Montana. Of course, it kind of looks like it works but it just makes Patience want to be with her beau even more. Then she sees a side of Peter that catches her by surprise.
The other main character is Patience Callahan who is a twenty-five-year-old woman who would rather spend time reading than really looking for a husband or learning how to cook. It also doesn’t help that she works at Peter Foote’s general store. She thinks of Peter as boring and normal. She wants a heroic man like the characters in her books. Instead, she would rather answer a newspaper ad for a mail-order bride for a man that she doesn’t know instead of marrying someone in her small town that she has known for the past seven years. She is embarrassed when her beau does show up the day before Christmas Eve, as he isn’t who she pictured or excepted she is at a loss for words> She won’t let any of the small-town folk know that she made a mistake by answering that ad.
I’m not normally one for Historical books as I have tried to read some before starting this blog and I didn’t think that they were for me. It mostly depends on the plot, the author, and the way that the book is. If I have to look up something while I’m reading the book because I didn’t get with what the author meant more than once than the book isn’t for me. Especially if the way some characters talk is really hard to understand. Thankfully this book wasn’t like that which is why I am grateful to have read this book.
What I disliked about this book. There isn’t much I have to say that I disliked about this book as it was a well thought out and planned book that the author did. I didn’t find anything wrong with the story or with the characters as I thought it was all really well put together and that it all made sense. Especially in the time period that the book is set in which is in the 1890s.
What I was iffy about this book. I didn’t find anything iffy about this book at all.
Plum Pudding Bride by Anne Garboczi Evans is a book that I would gladly read over and over as it’s that good. I am also giving it five stars because it is that amazing. I can honestly say that I would recommend this book to my adult readers of this blog since it’s a book that everyone will enjoy.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
**Where you can find Plum Pudding Bride**
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