Photo Finished
Series: Callie Cassidy Mysteries #4
Author: Lori Roberts Herbst
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Pages: 310
Release Date: September 13, 2022
When a visit to a Colorado dude ranch turns deadly, it’s up to photographer Callie Cassidy to corral the killer…
As maid of honor (aka grande dame) in her best friend’s upcoming wedding, Callie wants to plan the perfect bridal shower. And what could be better than a girls’ trip with their posse of friends?
The women jump at the idea and suggest a destination—Moonglow Ranch, a serenity retreat-slash-dude ranch owned by one friend’s aunt and uncle.
When they arrive, Callie is less than enthusiastic. Serenity doesn’t come easily to a former investigative photojournalist. Plus, her horse is stubborn as…well, a mule. She’s warned to be on the lookout for snakes. Worst of all—gasp!—Moonglow only serves healthy food. Still, her friends are having a great time, and even Callie’s golden retriever Woody and tabby cat Carl seem right at home on the ranch. For their sake, she tries to tap into her inner Zen.
Then the conniving wife of the town’s most powerful man interrupts the party and threatens the ranch’s proprietors. Callie worries the trip is destined for disaster.
Later, Callie finds the woman’s body in the stable, apparently trampled by a horse. Or did she die from a snakebite? Or—as Callie suspects—could something even more sinister be at work?
Answers are as difficult to find as a needle in the haystack. And when the police chief accuses the ranch owners of murder, Callie realizes she’ll need to lasso the real outlaw—before the wrong people end up in the pokey.

Interview with Carl Cassidy, tabby cat (filling in for Callie Cassidy, whom you met a few months ago)
How did you and your author meet?
I was what humans like to call a “stray,” wandering just outside of Rock Creek Village in the dead of winter. My author discovered me on one of her mental hikes and decided I needed a home. She plucked me up and dropped me near the Knotty Pine Lodge, where Maggie Cassidy found me. While I was enjoying a hearty meal in the lodge’s warm kitchen, Maggie’s daughter Callie came calling, along with a rather adorable golden retriever named Woody. The dog and I took an instant liking to each other, as if he was my brother from another mother. He insisted that I come live with them, and Callie capitulated, so I decided to honor them with my presence.
Why did this writer decide to feature you in a book?
As soon as the author discovered the depth of my intellect and my talent for ferreting out bad guys, it was a foregone conclusion that I would take center stage in her series. Callie seems to think she’s the star, but anyone with a brain can see that I’m the one pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
Do you have any friends or family helping you out?
My brother Woody is an asset to my investigations, providing a loud warning bark and a friendly subterfuge. He is the good cop to my bad cop. Also, I suppose I’d be unable to effectively communicate with the humans if Callie wasn’t around, so she gets a bit of credit as well. I’m somewhat indebted to Mrs. Finney, a former CIA agent whose skills aren’t too bad. She takes my contributions more seriously than most humans.
Do you have a regular job and investigate on the side or are you a full time detective?
Investigation is my business, and I am committed fully to the pursuit of justice.
What is the funniest thing that happens to you or another character in this story?
Funny? There’s nothing funny about solving murders. You humans, always searching for juvenile ways to amuse yourselves. (Insert eye roll.)
Have you solved other cases or is this your first one?
Of course there have been others. It’s what I do. The first one you can read about is detailed in Suitable for Framing. The subsequent books in the so-called Callie Cassidy Mystery series tell the tale of additional murder mysteries I’ve solved.
Do you have a gift or special talent?
The study of people is my special talent. After just a few sniffs and a bit of observation, I can determine the status of a person’s moral fiber with razor-sharp precision. Unfortunately, not every idiot I come across is a criminal, so it sometimes takes me a bit longer to decipher which moron actually committed the murder.
Who is the most important individual in your life?
My adopted brother, Woody, is my bedrock. His loyalty and affection make me want to be a better cat. I admit I have also grown quite fond of Callie. Though she grates on my nerves occasionally and her antics make me roll my eyes, her intentions are solid.
What is your ideal vacation?
I’m picturing a cat spa with a dozen different scratching posts. A human groomer would be on hand to brush and fluff me. Also, I wouldn’t mind a nice pedicure. There’s a fresh fish dinner, of course, followed by a nice nap in a warm sunbeam. Ah, yes. That would be the cat’s meow.
If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
First, I’d grow a pair of opposable thumbs. Second, I’d alter humans so they understood and spoke cat talk. Only then would the world gain a true sense of my greatness.

Callie Cassidy Mysteries

About the Author
Lori Roberts Herbst, who writes the Callie Cassidy Mystery series, spent much of her life writing, editing, and psychoanalyzing. Through thirty years of teaching journalism, advising newspaper and yearbook staff, instructing budding photographers, and counseling teenagers, she still managed to hang on to a modicum of sanity. Her books have earned first-place CIBA awards in the Murder and Mayhem division. She currently serves as secretary of the Sisters in Crime North Dallas chapter and is a member of the Sisters in Crime Guppies and the Mystery Writers of America.

Prize: One (1) winner will receive a digital copy of Photo Finished by Lori Roberts Herbst. Your choice of format. (Open for the US only)

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Until the next time,
Happy Reading!

Carl thanks you for hosting us! He’s happy to answer any questions!
looks interesting