Pants on Fire
by Meg Cabot
Published by Harper Teen on May 1, 2007
Genres: YA Contemporary Romance
Pages: 260
Format: Hardcover
Get Your Copy at: Amazon
Katie Ellison is not a liar.
But she can't exactly tell the truth, either--not when she's juggling two boyfriends, secretly hating the high school football team everyone else worships, and trying to have the best summer ever. At least Katie has it all under control (sort of). Her biggest secret, what really happened the night Tommy Sullivan is a freak was spray-painted on the junior high gymnasium wall, is safe.
That is, until Tommy comes back to town. Katie is sure he's going to ruin all her plans, and she'll do anything to hang on to her perfect existence. Even if it means telling more lies. Even if, now that Tommy's around, she's actually--truthfully--having the time of her life.
Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot has a simplistic way of looking at things for a senior high school student in the summertime before cell phones were a big thing.
Will Katie Ellison ever stop lying?
Katie Ellison
Katie Ellison is the female love interest and is the point-of-view person. She is honestly a well-thought character as she has her flaws, weaknesses, strengths, and depth to her. Katie made me feel like she was an actual human being. She just seems like your normal everyday girl next door who’s intelligent and popular. The only problem is that she lies. Like constantly since the eighth grade. The lies have just topped over each other so much that Katie might actually have a problem. She starts talking about flowcharts and powerpoints to keep her lies straight. Along with who she told those lies too.
Other than that, when the book was written/published, Katie reminded me how it was like being a teenager from 2006 to 2007 and how things have changed since then. I liked Katie a lot as a character and how she grew throughout the book.
Tommy Sullivan
Tommy Sullivan was run out of town four years ago because of something he did. The Tommy that left to the Tommy that arrived drastically has changed, and that makes it hard for poor Katie to deal with. Tommy is now a handsome guy, and he has a secret that he isn’t telling Katie.
These two seem perfect for each other. Well, until we remember that Katie has a boyfriend and a guy that she is cheating on said boyfriend with. It’s a very complicated thing for Katie.
Five Stars
Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot is a fantastic young adult romantic story but still harbors a great message. Not only for young teenagers but for any age group reading this book. Don’t be peer pressured into doing anything, and don’t lie, especially if you don’t know what the consequences would be for said lie. Those are the two messages I got from this book, and I love those messages. Even teens nowadays need to know that, especially if they are entering into their senior year of high school.
My rating for Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot is five stars, and I recommend it to all YA readers.

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Happy Reading!

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