Love Always by Diane Green

Posted June 10, 2024 by karenbaron in Review, Romance, Young Adult / 0 Comments

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Love Always by Diane Green

Love Always

by Diane Campbell Green
Published by Palmetto Publishing on February 14, 2024
Setting: Yardley, Pennsylvania
Genres: YA Romance
Pages: 91
Format: Paperback
Source: the Author
Get Your Copy at: Amazon

A tubing adventure; a New England blizzard; a night at the Minutemen’s Inn. Becky joins her brother in an eighteen-wheeler when he takes a load to Boston. She is looking to turn a page after a derailed romance at home. Becky and a former paramour meet again and she makes a decision. The author weaves a tale of love and choices that will captivate young adults. This page-turner will leave the reader with a joyful ending.

Love Always by Diane Green has Becky contemplating who she loves more: Juan Carlos or Detective Mike Myers.

Who does Becky end up marrying?

Becky Chalmers is twenty years old and had just gotten engaged to Mike Myers when she discovered some troubling news. Can Becky get through this patch of new knowledge and still get married to him? I guess only time will tell with some faith and time to think.

Juan Carlos

Love Always CR

Juan Carlos, now known as John Homeier, is living in Massachusetts and trying to make a living as an electrician. All that stands in his way of having a happily-ever-after with Becky is his love for his island. Puerto Rico will always be home to this young man, especially when his family lives there.

Mike Myers

Mike Myers has seen Becky through the trauma of having Juan Carlos yanked from her life. Unlike Juan Carlos, though, Mike has been dating Becky and gotten engaged to her. To him, their predicament only brings them closer together, unlike with Becky.

Three Stars

My rating for Love Always by Diane Green is three stars. I wouldn’t have chosen Mike Myers, especially after what they both learned about each other. Ms. Green needs to work on time frames as it is hard to tell the actual time frames in which things happen. Also, perhaps an outline to better follow up with the plotting. I felt like the story fell flat and became discombobulated.


Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Love Always by Diane Green.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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About Diane Campbell Green

Diane Campbell Green

Diane Green’s passion for history and creative writing began in Pennsylvania and flourished in Massachusetts, where she gained a classical education and experience as an historian.  A graduate of Worcester State University, her educational pursuits led her to the University of Virginia. Her career shifted in NYC during the 1980s when she became an executive recruiter, honing her dialogue skills.  Now living in Tarpon Springs, Florida, Diane has earned several Story Monster awards for her Becky Chalmers Series. Dedicated to crafting wholesome tales, Diane also enjoys walking, spending time with family, and reading.

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Love Always by Diane Green

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