This month’s featured author is Jennifer Faye.
Jennifer Faye is a romance writer who has quite a few books under her name. She writes these romantic stories in these amazing settings with characters that touch your heart. We have reviewed a few but barely scratched the surface. Jennifer is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award, and the CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award, named a TOP PICK author, and has been nominated for numerous other awards.
Let’s get to know Jennifer Faye:
Tell us a little about yourself. Perhaps something not many people know?
I’m a homebody that enjoys curling up with a throw blanket, a cup of tea, my kitty and a good book. It’s one of my favorite things in life. It always feels so indulgent because there’s a part of my brain that tells me I should be writing a book instead of reading one.
What made you want to become a writer?
I’ve wanted to be a writer most of my life. I fell in love with words when I read Dr. Seuss. He made them fun. Then in elementary school they’d do challenges/fundraiser to see who could read the most. It was also in elementary school that I started writing my own stories and passing them around the lunch table. I can’t remember what they were about but I wish I had them today. They probably broke every rule about writing but you have to start somewhere.
Who is your favorite author(s)?
Oh my. Would it be wrong if I told you that I don’t have a “favorite” author? There are just so many that I enjoy. And I have so much fun trying new-to-me authors. I just need more hours in the day to read more.
Do you play a musical instrument or sing?
First, I don’t sing…at least not in front of people. As my mother would say, I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. But leave me alone in a car and I can belt out tunes with the best of them. Lol. As for playing instruments, I currently don’t play any. I simply don’t have time with my writing schedule.
What is your favorite song or artist?
Again, I’m not good with picking favorites. There are just so many talented artists out there and it also depends on my mood.
What is the worst job that you have ever had?
Hmm… probably working in the food industry and having to clean the bathrooms. Ugh!
What is your favorite place to escape?
My back deck. The scenery is beautiful. It’s so peaceful and I can write so many words back there.
Who is your hero (real or fictional)?
Definitely the hubster. He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever known. He is kind and caring. He’s my very best friend. And he’s also my biggest cheerleader. He’s read every one of my books…at least once. And when I get overwhelmed to the point that I’m hitting burnout and say that I’m going to quit writing, he tells me that it’s okay, if it’s what I want to do. I’ve said this a few times and he knows that once I get away from the deadline pressure and get some rest that my fingers will be pounding on the keyboard once more.
Would you rather live in a haunted mansion or live in an un-haunted cottage?
If it’s a friendly ghost, I’ll take the mansion. One can always use another friend. But if it’s a mean, unfriendly ghost than I’m taking the cottage. The stress of a cranky ghost would smother my creative thoughts.
What is your favorite recipe or restaurant?
Again with the favorites… Hmm… I must be really strange because I don’t have a lot of favorites. I love so many types of food from Italian to Mexican to pot roasts. But I actually do have a favorite restaurant…Chinese takeout. Love it!!! The owners know the hubster by name. lol.
Writing Style
What do you love most about your writing process?
I love it when the characters talk to me and tell me something I didn’t know. It’s as close to magic as I’ll ever get.
Do you like music or silence?
Definitely music.
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym, or do you?
I always dreamed of having my name on a book and so that’s what I went with. If I branch out into another genre I’ll probably do a different variation of my name.
What comes first for you, the plot, or the characters?
After writing fifty books, I can honestly say that each book is different. Some are plotted out in detail. Others are written by the seat of my pants and I just hang on for the ride. And I never know what sort of book it’ll be until I sit down to write it.
Do your characters seem to hijack the story, or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
The characters definitely take over and I just write what they tell me. Lol.
Do you choose the character names based on how they sound or their meaning?
Depends. Sometimes it’s a little of both.
Describe your writing space.
I have many writing spaces but my main one is my office. It has huge windows and in the morning it is bright and cheerful. I have a big desk but I spend most of my time in my recliner with my laptop. In fact that’s where I am right now.
How do you deal with the emotional impact of a book (on yourself) as you are writing the story?
Watch The Great British Baking Show for a stress relief and then enjoy a nice dessert before diving back in.
How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?
It depends. If it’s the first book in a series, a LOT. If it’s a subsequent book, not as much. For the later books, it’s more an expansion upon what already exists.
What is your favorite cover out of all your books? Why is it your favorite?
I’d probably say BRASS ANCHOR INN. It looks warm and inviting. Just the kind of place I’d like to visit. But if you ask me that question in a month or two, the answer might be different because I’m constantly getting new covers. And I love getting covers. It’s like Christmas year round.
How did you come up with the title of this book?
This one was easy. Brass Anchor Inn is the name of the setting for this book.
Does one of the main characters hold a special part in your heart? If so, why?
She isn’t a main character in any of the books, though I have been asked to write her story. It’s Birdie Neill. She makes an appearance in all of the Bluestar Island books. She is sweet but can be feisty. She is a very strong woman, who considers the islanders her extended family.
Can you share something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?
You’ll get to revisit with characters from the prior Bluestar books. And one character might have a surprising development.
What is the future for the characters? Will there be a sequel or more books in the series?
I love Bluestar Island. I love revisiting the island with every book. As I write this answer, I’m already working on the next Bluestar book. Title to be determined.
What is your favorite part about working in the romance genre?
The happily-ever-afters. I love the feel-good nature of the books when the world can feel at odds. It’s nice to visit a place where things can work out as they should.
How did you find the setting of Bluestar Island for this book/series?
I don’t know. I really don’t. It goes back to there being a bit of magic in writing a book.
What was the highlight of writing this book?
If you mean my favorite part, well, I can’t tell you that. I don’t want to ruin the story for any of you. But it does have some unexpected twists and turns. 😉
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Absolutely everywhere… from news stories to looking out my window. I have a HUGE imagination so it doesn’t take much for it to take flight.
What project are you working on now?
I’m working on two books right now… the final book in a princess trilogy and the next Bluestar book. I try to take time off but my imagination gets mad at me and insists I keep putting words on the screen.
Do you have any other books coming out this year?
Yes, I do. But only my princess trilogy is scheduled. The next Bluestar book will appear for pre-order shortly. And I hope to have the next Seabreeze Wedding Chapel book up for pre-order later this year. I have a lot of plans, I just need more hours in the day. Lol.
Thank you so much for having me. I’ve really enjoyed visiting with you.

Find Jennifer around the web:

Jennifer’s Romance Series
The Turner Family of Bluestar Island
Princesses of Rydiania
Plus Royal Mom for the Duke’s Daughter coming in July 2023
Seabreeze Wedding Chapel
Greek Paradise Escape
The Bell Family of Bluestar Island
Wedding Bells at Lake Como
The Bartolini Legacy
Greek Island Brides
Once Upon a Fairytale
Mirraccino Marriages
Tangled Charms
A Whistle Stop Romance
Brides for Greek Tycoons
The DeFiore Brothers
Twin Princes of Mirraccino
Other Novels

Prize: (1) Paperback copy of Brass Anchor Inn by Jennifer Faye (U.S. Only)
Contest Ends: February 3, 2023

Thank you, Jennifer, for being featured on the Baroness’ Book Trove. I know you were under a deadline but still made time for us.
I hope everyone enjoys getting to know Jennifer. Make sure to sign up for the giveaway.
Until the next time, happy reading!

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