Let’s Get To Know Ian Ludlow from Killer Thriller (written by Lee Goldberg)
Hi, Ian
Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. It looks like your most recent Clint Straker novel is hit. But I want to know more about you.
These days do you feel more like Clint Straker than you used to?
Clint is nothing like me. He’s strong, capable, quick-witted, skilled at self-defense, and can bed any woman he wants. He is the wish-fulfillment version of me.
What is your favorite food?
Kentucky Fried Chicken, original recipe.
How do you find time to write now that you are traveling internationally? Do you have the same writing routine when you are on the road as at home?
I only write at home. I never write on the road – I use that time and experience purely for research. I take notes, and hundreds of photos, but what I really want to do Is absorb everything. I want to be able to tap into those memories, tastes, smells, and sights once I finally sit down at the keyboard, first to plot, and then to write.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
To imagine a story, to feel the story, and then have it magically appears as a 400-page manuscript without me having to plant my butt in a chair for five months.
Did you rebuild your Los Angeles home?
Yes, I have, thanks for asking. Rebuilding the house was easy but furnishing it has been difficult. Everything I owned went up in flames, including my vintage paperback library, my framed Straker book covers, and all of the James Bond movie posters I started collecting when I was a kid. I tried to restore it all.
I found a used bookstore that was going out of business, bought out their entire stock of mysteries and thrillers, and filled the shelves of my office with the old, yellowed paperbacks. It’s given my workspace the right smell, but the books aren’t the same ones I collected over a lifetime, and that shaped my career as a writer. Replacing the posters and book covers was easy. But it’s still not the same, either. I feel like a stranger in my own home. No, it’s more I’m living in captivity in an extraterrestrial zoo that has tried to recreate my home, less for my comfort than for the education of the visitors peering into my cage.
Do you ever see yourself settled down with a wife and kids?
It’s hard enough seeing myself in a relationship. I can’t seem to make them work.
Have you seen Ronnie Mancuso lately? Do you think that he will rebuild his hidden fortress?
No, I haven’t, though we’ve talked a few times since he was released from the sanitarium. I don’t think he’s cured, he’s just better at hiding his lunacy. He’s is an actor, after all. At least he doesn’t seem to resent me. The reboot of Hollywood and the Vine is doing great, by the way.
How many Straker novels do you plan to write?
As many as people are willing to buy.
Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of Lee Goldberg?
What do you see in the next five years for you?
I see myself lounging on my private beach outside my compound in Hawaii (that the royalties from the fourth Straker movie bought) with my supermodel girlfriend (who absolutely ADORES me), reading the Sunday edition of the New York Times to see that my latest book debuted at #1 on the bestseller list, yet again.

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About the Real Author: Lee Goldberg
Goldberg broke into television with a freelance script sale to Spenser: For Hire. Since then, his TV writing & producing credits have covered a wide variety of genres, including sci-fi (seaQuest), cop shows (Hunter, The Glades), martial arts (Martial Law), whodunits (Diagnosis Murder, Nero Wolfe), the occult (She-Wolf of London), kid’s shows (R.L. Stine’s The Nightmare Room), T&A (Baywatch, She Spies), comedy (Monk) clip shows (The Best TV Shows That Never Were) and total crap (The Highwayman, The New Adventures of Flipper).
He’s written and produced TV shows in Canada (Murphy’s Law, Cobra, Missing), England (Stick With Me Kid, She Wolf of London) and Germany (Fast Track: No Limits). His mystery writing for television has earned him two Edgar Award nominations from the Mystery Writers of America.
His two careers, novelist and TV writer, merged when he wrote the eight books in the Diagnosis Murder series of original novels, based on the hit CBS TV mystery that he also wrote and produced. He followed that up by writing fifteen bestselling novels based on Monk, another TV show that he worked on. His Monk novels have been translated and published in Germany, Poland, Thailand, Japan, Turkey, and many other countries.
In addition to his writing, he’s worked as an international TV development expert and consulting producer for production companies and major networks in Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
But perhaps he’s best known for his pioneering work mapping the human genome and negotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Goldberg lives in Los Angeles with his wife and his daughter and still sleeps in Man From U.N.C.L.E. pajamas.
To find out more about Lee or join his official stalker club.

Thanks for stopping by. I know Ian Ludlow and I both appreciate it.
Don’t forget that the second book in the Ian Ludlow Thrillers, Killer Thriller will be available on Tuesday, February 12th, 2019.
Have a great day!
Happy Reading!

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