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Hexes and Hooligans
by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Magical Mystery Book Club #6.5
Series Rating:

Published by Independently Published on September 15, 2023
Setting: Cascade Valley, Colorado; Wundertrundle
Genres: Cozy Paranormal Animal Mystery
Pages: 225
Format: ebook, Kindle
Source: the Author
Also in this series: Shifting and Shenanigans, Vampires and Villains, Cowboys and Chaos, Bakeries and Buffoonery, Genies and Gibberish, Secrets and Scallywags, Sprites and Scuttlebutt, Meditation and Mischief, Carousels and Characters
When this club selects a book, magic happens. They become the main characters in the story when the mystery comes to life.
This month’s book selection takes them to a charming island community that’s abuzz over a mysterious boat that washed ashore. Rumor has it that it’s the same pirate boat that sunk a year ago in the bay. The one that supposedly sank with treasure aboard.
When the club meets the ghosts of the men from the boat, they learn the astonishing secrets of the treasure. These ghosts can’t move on until it is found.
Can the motley group find the treasure and free the ghosts? They better, since it’s the only way they can exit the book and get back home.
Hexes and Hooligans by Elizabeth Pantley sends the book club off on another adventure; it’s all about fixing some hexes on the gnomes.
Can the Book Club stop whoever is sending the hex around before the Honeybee Moon Festival?
The Magical Mystery Book Club is off into a new book where the group utilizes their strengths and weaknesses when needed. Sometimes, it’s easy for them to use Frank to gather information or Mollie since people cannot always see her. The group also have their own strengths and weaknesses that are great to use. Valeria is getting used to popping into books and solving the mysteries. I can’t wait to see how Valeria can help solve more mysteries. This group is so awesome.
The Mystery
The Book Club finds themselves in a gnome college town where the students are getting a strange magical ailment that is turning the gnomes into regular, beautiful humans. Paige, Glo, and the rest of the group keep running into a lot of red herrings that actually have an excellent reason for doing this, but all end up getting alibied out or have another reason for what the group found. I eventually figured the mystery out quite literally right before the group did. I still can’t wrap my head around why that person was doing those things.
Five Stars
I am giving five stars to Hexes and Hooligans by Elizabeth Pantley, and I am recommending it as well. What I love about Ms. Pantley’s books is that you can read them in any order if you want to, and the main story still makes sense.
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Magical Mystery Book Club Series

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Hexes and Hooligans by Elizabeth Pantley.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
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