Take a look at this featured author, Heather Weidner.
Heather Weidner writes cozy mysteries that keeping me guessing. The characters that she creates are so realistic, they feel like friends. I am completely swept into the stories.
Let’s get to know Heather Weidner better.
Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
I’m a CK (cop’s kid). One of my first jobs was to pick up the shell casings on the range after my dad did weekend practice.
What made you want to become a writer?
I have always loved reading, especially mysteries, and it’s been my dream since elementary school to write books. After college, I became a technical writer, so I wrote a lot of computer software manuals, too.
What book that you have read has most influenced your life?
There are so many. The Nancy Drew books were my earliest mysteries (if you don’t count Sesame Street’s Monster at the End of the Book). Nancy Drew taught me that even young girls could solve mysteries that many of the adults couldn’t. She had freedom, a cool car, and some great friends to help her with her adventures.
Who is your favorite author?
I love A.A. Milne, E. B, White, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Christie, Dickens, and Dickinson. There are so many. I barely scratched the surface.
What is the first book that made you cry?
Charlotte’s Webb – I read this sooo many times in elementary school.
What do you want your tombstone to say?
“She made a difference.” I hope that I can make a difference while I’m here.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Organization is probably my superpower. I can also diagram sentences, so that’s my secret skill.
Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been to before (real or imaginary)?
I would love to go to Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland.
Do you have a bucket list? What is the last item on it?
I have a “wanna do” list that I seem to update almost daily. I would love to get back to the 100s of places that I want to travel to.
Writing Style
What do you love most about your writing process?
I love plotting and researching. To me, that is the fun part of writing.
Do you like music or silence?
I always have to have music on when I work. I have a variety of playlists. Classical and jazz are for writing. Pop and rock and roll are for researching and editing.
Do you have goals of a certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes?
I still have a day gig, so my goal is 1,000 words on work-days, and 3,000 on weekends/holidays. I am getting faster with my writing process. My first book took five years to write and revise (and revise and revise), and then it took almost another two years to be published. I can write two books and a novella a year now.
Do your characters seem to hijack the story, or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
I have most of the control, but every once in a while, a character goes on his or her merry way and demands attention. I had a sleazy character in my first novel. He was only supposed to make an appearance in the one book, but my critique group and beta readers loved him. He is so fun to write, so he’s had a big role in each of the books in that series. And yes, he’s back in book four.
What is your writing Kryptonite?
The internet…I go online for just a second to research something important to my plot, and the next thing I know, I’m looking at cute puppy or alpaca videos for an hour.
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
No. All of my series are mysteries, and they’re similar. I think if I changed genres or publishers, I may need another name.
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Writing is a solitary endeavor most of the time. I treasure my writing friends. They are so generous with their time and advice. I have learned so much for them on the craft of writing, marketing ideas, and resources that they recommend. We share information. We also share our celebrations (and our disappointments). I am so fortunate to be part of the mystery community and part of Sisters and Crime and James River Writers. I appreciate all the support and feedback.
How important are character names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning?
I think names are important. I pull up baby name lists from previous decades to get ideas. I need the name to fit the character and his/her personality. It’s also important not to have multiple characters with similar names or similar-sounding names. I wouldn’t have a Chris, Krista, and Christine in the same story.
What is your favorite part of the book?
I love the setting for this mystery series. It’s set in Fern Valley, a fictional little town outside of Charlottesville, Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My aunt and uncle owned a campground near Crabtree Falls in that area in the 1970s, and it was so much fun to visit there. My husband often restores old cars and does a bunch of home improvement projects, so we watch a lot of restoration and home shows. I saw one where the couple restored vintage trailers. I loved how they repurposed them and gave them new life in the modern world. I thought that would be a great idea for my glamping campground.
Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?
I have a Jack Russell Terrier that Bijou is based on. (Her name is Disney, and she and her brother Riley, keep us on our toes. They are very active and energetic dogs.)
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
I always like writing the big reveal. There is a lot of action, and I get to tie up all the loose ends to the story.
How did you come up with the title?
I wanted a cozy title that demonstrated the place and gave a hint about the mystery. This one is VINTAGE TRAILERS AND BLACKMAILERS. Book two is FILM CREWS AND RENDEZVOUS (October 2022), and the third one is CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AND CATFIGHTS (October 2023).
If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? (PG-13, please 🙂
I think Jules, my amateur sleuth, would be fun to hang out with. We’d text a lot, and we’d get coffee and go shopping. Jake, her boyfriend, is named after Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles. Jules is named for Demi Moore’s character in St. Elmo’s Fire. Can you tell that I’m an 80s girl?

If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
Jules has long red hair. I could see Chloe Grace Mortez, Florence Pugh, or Hayden Panettiere as my sleuth. Tyler Posey or Taylor Lautner could play Jake, and I see Kyra Sedgewick, Mary Steenburger, or Helena Bonham Carter as Jules’s aunt, Roxanne.
What project are you working on now?
I am revising books two and three of this series. I just finished the fourth book in my Delanie Fitzgerald series. And I’m working on another cozy series called the Mermaid Bay Christmas Shoppe Mysteries.
Do you have any other books coming out this year?
This year, TO FETCH A KILLER came out a few months ago. I have a dog-themed novella in that one. I also have a short story in MURDER BY THE GLASS. My first Delanie novel was re-released this summer. I have a section in a cookbook coming out next year, the second in the Jules Keene Glamping series, and a short story in VIRGINIA IS FOR MYSTERIES III.

You can follow Heather here:
My favorite is her Instagram where she has the most hilarious memes.

The Delanie Fitzgerald Mysteries
The Jules Keene Glamping Mysteries
Mutt Mysteries
Four Fun “Tails”y by

Prize: (1) One Amazon Gift Card worth $15.00
Contest Ends: October 18th, 2021

Thank you to Heather Weidner for being featured on the Baroness’ Book Trove, I know your time is precious and we are grateful that you are here. I hope you all enjoy getting to know Heather. Make sure to sign up for the giveaway.
Until the next time, happy reading!

Thank you so much for letting me stop by and share VINTAGE TRAILERS AND BLACKMAILERS!