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Dead Money Run
by J. Frank James
Series: Lou Malloy Crime #1
Series Rating:

Published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform on August 26th 2013
Genres: Crime Thriller
Pages: 280
Format: Kindle
Lou Malloy has just maxed out on a fifteen year prison sentence for the theft of $15 million and just before leaving prison he learns that his sister is brutally killed. As he is leaving prison, he's told to keep his nose clean or he would soon be back. As far as Malloy is concerned all bets were off until he finds his sister's killer. In the meantime, he has to fight off predators trying to get their hands on the money he stole and keep from being sent back to prison trying to protect those dear to him. He catches a break when he meets up with Hilary Kelly, a private investigator with an agenda of her own, She has been hired by the insurance company that paid on the theft claim of the money stolen from the casino by Malloy. In the course of events, Malloy and Kelly become more than just friends and Kelly decides to throw in with Malloy. Together they work to uncover exactly what happened to Malloy's sister and why. Their search involves a vicious gang led by a vengeful old man and his crazy son who has his own problems keeping his hands off other women. To make matters worse, Malloy and Kelly's search is complicated by the fact that Malloy's sister was really a special agent with the Department of Home Land Security and she was working undercover when she was killed trying to locate the whereabouts of special plates to produce counterfeit currency that if the plates ended up in the wrong hands, whole banking systems of major foreign countries could collapse overnight. As Malloy and Kelly race to find the killer of Malloy's sister, they enlist the help of Crusher, a pro wrestler who served in the cell next to Malloy at the Atlanta Penitentiary. The decision is made for Malloy and company to hit the same casino again that Malloy robbed fifteen years ago by a special ops unit of the Department of Homeland Security. The plan is complicated by the fact that the ops unit is phony setup led by a former agent turned rouge who is backed by another vicious gang with international contacts intent on getting their hands on the missing money plates. Malloy decides to go through with the heist of the casino a second time, but on a different schedule than planned. If they don't make it they have no way to return to the real world. They are in a make or break it race. Read as they race to the finish line and learn if this where the run ends or the run begins....
My take on this book: Dead Money Run by J. Frank James was not what I excepted it to be. Lou Malloy is quite the character as we start off the book with him in jail. Lou finds out that his sister was murdered and he wants to avenge his sister’s death.
Throughout the book we see it in Lou’s point-of-view until we start seeing it in third person point-of-view about some things that we wouldn’t be able to see in Lou’s point. Lou is in interesting character because he spent fifteen years in prison for a crime that he did commit but wouldn’t tell anyone anything about when they wanted to know. Lou also just wanted to be able to spend his time, not killing anyone, with his sister and spending the money. That changed when he found out that someone killed his sister and he wanted revenge.
Throughout Lou’s journey in the book he does a lot (like really a lot) of killing, he finds someone to care about (something he never thought would happen to him), he discovered a lot about his sister’s life in the past fifteen years, and he kind-of-sort-of has a job now.
This is the first book in the Lou Malloy series. I didn’t excepted so many killings to happen, or there to be so many details about it. I did figure out who killed his sister, I think, a little bit before Lou did which is kind of cool. Or at least I suspected who had a hand in it.
I am giving this book a four star rating. Dead Money Run by J. Frank James was a good book. However, it is totally different from what I normally read. I enjoyed reading out of my typical genres for this story. So, if you like action, and don’t mind a little gore this is a good book for you.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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