Daria White ~ About the Author

Posted April 29, 2019 by karenbaron in About the Author, Contest - Giveaway / 0 Comments

Daria White About the Author

I want to introduce you all to Daria White.

Daria White writes sweet romances, and she has a new book coming out soon.  

So, let’s get down to the interview so you can get to know her too.


Tell us a little about yourself?

I’m the second of three daughters, I play the piano, and I love Turner Classic Movies (1930s-1960s). Though I try to be an early bird, I am a night owl. I’m a natural introvert, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have my funny moments.

Perhaps something not many people know?

As a kid, I liked mimicking my singing voice. I love my voice now since I sing and play the piano, but as a child, I would try to sound like Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton, Anita Baker, and my favorite Karen Carpenter. I’ve come close to Karen’s voice, but there’ll never be another like her. I still do it every now and then for the fun of it.

 What inspired you to start writing?

Actually, I didn’t want to write. I didn’t even like reading as a kid. I almost hated it, but in school, our teacher assigned us creative stories to write. My imagination took over, and my teacher loved my work. From there, it progressed with writing which helped me with reading. Now I can’t imagine not reading or writing. I kept it to myself for a long time, but my dad finally told me he thought I could make it if I really gave it my all. I figured, why not?

Who is your favorite author?

Too many to count since I’ve read some awesome work lately. If I had to pick, it would be Bella Andre. I watched an interview, and her words on evoking emotion in readers stuck with me. From the book cover until the end of the book, she said she wants her readers to feel something. I aim to do the same thing and make an impact.

 What is the first book that made you cry?

I have two. Both of these books were outside of my own sweet romance category, so I do branch out sometimes. Marie Hall’s A Moment and Twyla Turner’s His Muse. Both books left me choked up and speechless.

What book are you currently reading?

Breathless in Love by Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully.

 If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I would make groceries appear magically. I don’t like grocery shopping, especially if it’s a long list of items. Thank God for curbside and pick up.

 Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before (real or imaginary)?

Paris, France. I’ve always wanted to go, so it’s on my to do list. Imaginary, I would travel to Narnia from the C.S. Lewis books.

 If you looked in your refrigerator right now, what would you find?

Leftovers. Sometimes we can overdo it as a family and cook too much.

 Are you a better baker or cook or take out connoisseur?

I love cooking, which is why I prefer someone else to shop (family member) or picking it up. I’m not an expert in the kitchen, but my family loves it when I cook smothered steaks.

Which do you prefer?

Tea or coffee: Tea

Hot or cold: Cold, I’m not made for the heat.

Movie or book: If the book is based on the movie and its done right, both. If not, I prefer the book.

Coke or Pepsi: Neither, give me a Sprite lol!



What do you love most about your writing process?

I love when it’s finished. The story’s out of my head, and I’ve made my word count. I love how an idea is transferred to a 60k or more novel.

 Do you like music or silence?

It’s weird. I can write when listening to music, but not when I’m reading. I’ll play music, with lyrics, to help me stay in the zone, or if it relates to the mood, I’m trying to write.

Do you have goals of certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes?

I used to write when inspiration struck, but I’m currently participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, so my average is about 1500 words a day. I aim for 2K in order to reach my 85K at the end of the month. If I don’t make it, it won’t be from a lack of trying. Sometimes I need to relax and take a breather and not feel guilty about not writing.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?

Both. I’ll go ahead and plan a general outline, but I do leave room for spontaneity with my characters. I never know where the story’s going to go in terms of the details, so I just create a general map of it.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

My weakness when it comes to writing is self-edits. Revising is a chore in itself. I’m so grateful for my critique partners and editors, or no one would read my work. They truly sharpen me by pointing out my weaknesses as well as praising me for my strengths.

Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?

Purely imagination, but I will put some real-life quirks within characters, particularly my female leads. i.e., if she likes classic films, you know it’s reflecting me.

If you could spend time a character from your books whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

In my new work in progress, Christmas Therapy, Heather is bold, confident, and adventurous. Hanging out with her would be so much fun as we ventured out to new and diverse places.

What genres do you write?

Sweet romance currently, but I want to branch out into historical romance and cozy mystery in the future.

What project are you working on now?

I have two works in progress. One is called Christmas Therapy, and the other is The Wedding Report, which I’m currently using in Camp NaNoWriMo. Heather is my leading lady in Christmas Therapy, and a freak accident brings her together with a physical therapist, Allen Richards. The Wedding Report features Chantelle Woods who travels back to her hometown to profile the wedding of the year. Her ex, Lance Taylor, is the groom.

Do you have any other books coming out this year?

Match-Made Christmas is up for pre-order now, so readers can reserve a copy! I’ll officially be announcing release dates in the summer for other works, so be on the lookout.

If you would like to learn more about Daria:

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Daria White’s Books

What If Christmas Wish by Daria White What If Christmas Wish

Publication Date: October 14, 2018
Genre: Holiday Romance

Patrice Nelson is a hard working psychologist with everything she has ever wanted in life, or so she thinks. She has always helped people with their problems, but has failed to face her own. However, when Patrice runs into her old college boyfriend two weeks before Christmas, she wonders is her life really complete the way it is. 

Seven years have passed since Patrice last saw Adam Chambers. Once she does, her old feelings for him resurface. This time they are stronger than ever. With Christmas quickly approaching, Patrice analyzes her own life. Did she make the right decision seven years ago? Or was the man she once loved part of her destiny?

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Match-Made Christmas by Daria White

Learn more about Match-Made Christmas including an excerpt go HERE.



Prize: (1) ebook of Match-Made Christmas by Daria White

Ends: May 8th, 2019. Winner announced May 9th via Social Media.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A special thank you to Daria White for taking the time and agreeing to be featured on the Baroness’ Book Trove.

Until the next time, happy reading!

Karen Signature



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