Clover Covered Corpse by Jackie Layton ~ Spotlight

Posted June 17, 2024 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Contest - Giveaway, Spotlight / 2 Comments

Clover Covered Corpse by Jackie Layton ~ Spotlight

Clover Covered Corpse by Jackie LaytonClover Covered Corpse

Series: Texas Flower Farmer Cozy Mystery #2

Author: Jackie Layton

Genre:  Cozy Mystery

Setting:  Texas

Release Date: May 28, 2024, by Level Best Books

Pages: 308


Emma Justice never imagines working at the farmers market on a normal Saturday morning will lead to her second murder investigation. When two friends becomes suspects in the latest small-town murder, she’ll help prove they are innocent by tracking down the real killer.

Houston Turner, the successful owner of Texas BBQ Hut, is a hard man and has made many enemies in his life. Revenge, greed, and hatred are some of the motives Emma must sift through to catch the killer. Seeds of suspicion from family, friends, and employees leaves Emma digging for real clues instead of stumbling through the rocky soil of deceit and lies.

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Clover Covered Corpse by Jackie Layton books


Texas Flower Farmer Cozy Mystery Series

Weeding Out Lies by Jackie Layton


About the Author

Jackie LaytonJackie Layton is the author of cozy mysteries with Spunky Southern Sleuths. Her stories are set in Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina. She lives on the coast of South Carolina where she enjoys walks on the beach and golf cart rides around the marsh. Reading, gardening, and traveling are some of her favorite hobbies. She always keeps a notebook handy to write down ideas for future stories. Be careful what you say around her, because it might end up in a book.

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Prize: A Paperback copy of Clover Covered Corpse: A Texas Flower Farmer Cozy Mystery by Jackie Layton, a Starbucks gift card, and a fun journal.

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Thank you for dropping by! So, what do you think of Clover Covered Corpse by Jackie Layton? Check out the other stops and enter the awesome giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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