Category: Mystery

Chocolate Falcon Fraud by Joanna Carl

Chocolate Falcon Fraud by Joanna Carl

My Thoughts:         Wonderfully written! 5 chocolate stars for this one… I love the whole noir film convention. I have never even heard of anything like that but how fun would that be? Completely, dressing in costumes from the 40s, the fedoras, the hair styles, the drinks, the accents, very cool. Warner Pier has some fabulous […]

Posted December 27, 2015 by karenbaron in Mystery, Review, Series / 0 Comments
The Cats that Watched the Woods by Karen Anne Golden

The Cats that Watched the Woods by Karen Anne Golden

These mysteries are reminiscent of The Cat Who…books by Lilian Jackson Braun. I loved those books. The Cats that Watched the Woods by Karen Anne Golden are clever and filled with little cat escapades. These mysteries with Katz and her merry band of cats are a wonderful update. Katz inherited her great Aunt’s fortune and […]
