Our first featured author of 2020 is C.L. Gaber.
C.L. Gaber is the author of the Ascenders Saga. I was introduced to her when her spin-off from that series The Claires came out. The Claires is amazing, I totally loved the story of the four sisters. Ms. Gaber has a wonderfully witty writing style that sweeps you into the world that she has created.
Enough of my thoughts, let’s get on with this interview.

Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know?
Hi Everybody! I’m C.L. Gaber, author of the Ascenders Book Saga and new spin-off The Claires. I’m also an entertainment reporter who interviews actresses, actors, and musicians for the New York Times wire. Yes, Chris Evans is just as cute in person (and nice!) I used a lot of the interviews I’ve done in the past with celebs who have passed like Robin Williams, Heath Ledger and even Kurt Cobain in Ascenders, which is about a high school for the dead. These famous types are teachers there and pretty much everything they say about life is from real interviews with them. Otherwise, I live in Nevada with my hub and daughter, plus a very preciously little Labradoodle named Georgie.
What made you want to become a writer?
I always loved to write. When I was a young girl, I used to write short stories and show them to my Dad. He would always make some editing notes and I’d do a quick “revision.” I was always on the high school and college newspaper staff and started writing fiction after college graduation.
What book that you have read has most influenced your life?
That’s such a great question. One I go back to a lot is weirdly or unweirdly, “Stand By Me” by Stephen King. I love what he has to say about lasting friendships and the wonders of being young.
Who is your favorite author?
Here we go again with Stephen King for me. I love his non-horror books the most. He says it simply, but profoundly.
What is the first book that made you cry?
Bambi. Why, oh why, does the Mom have to die. I saw the movie at Golf Mill Theaters with my grandparents and I was a total mess.
What do you want your tombstone to say?
Ohhhh, how about she lived to be 100, loved hard, wrote books, and loved dogs.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I have a lot of superpowers in my books. One I’m loving is teleporting. How great to get there fast. Boom! In Chicago, hanging with my brother. Boom! In Jersey with my friend Joyce. Boom! In LA, covering a new movie. Boom! Back home to walk my dog.
Where is one place you want to visit that you haven’t been before (real or imaginary)?
Definitely Ireland. I’ve always had this strong pull towards Ireland and recently found out that my Mom might be part Irish. This makes sense of our shared red hair.
Do you have a bucket list? What is the last item on it?
Last item would be an …healthy old lady, living with her husband, lots of dogs, and still writing.
Writing Style
What do you love most about your writing process?
I’m always taking notes, writing bits of future books. Eventually, I put it in one file and love when it starts coming together like a puzzle. I also love writing the beginnings and endings. I torture myself over them.
Do you like music or silence?
I like the TV on. I’m a TV addict, so I have it on low in the background. I’m not really watching, but it’s there.
Do you have goals of certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes?
I start out a book based on inspiration, but then about halfway through, I do a work schedule. I’m so grateful that Ascenders fans write me constantly asking for the next book. So, when I get to a certain point, I try to do a weekly word count to stay on track. It’s loose because somedays it might be a few graphs and then other days much more.
Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?
I do think the characters hijack a story. I do have a firm plan, but there can be detours along the way based on what’s happening or how certain scenes play out.
What is your writing Kryptonite?
My dog Georgie jumping up on the keyboard deleting things! And the phone….I have to put it aside when I write.
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
No, I did do C.L. Gaber….as in Cindy Lynn Gaber. I thought it sounded interesting.
How important are character names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning?
I love naming characters. My main character in Ascenders is Walker Callaghan…Walker being an interesting name for a young woman and Callaghan as in she’s Irish. Walker happened in a cool way…originally it was the character’s last name, but as I wrote her, it became clear that it should be her first name. Her love interest Daniel Reid calls her Callaghan when they’re on their realm jumping adventures, but Walker during private, sexy moments.
What is your favorite part of the book?
I do love the love story…between Walker and Daniel and Cass. And there is another love story between Walker and her Mom, who just want to see each other again. I’m also super into the time travel aspects of this series. It’s so much fun to go into past time loops and TRY not to change history or history will change you. I’m working on Ascenders 5 right now and there are some pretty risky time periods.
Is anything in your book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?
A LOT is based on true life history that you don’t know. I’m a reporter at heart and love some truth with my fiction. I do TONS of research and also interview experts if I need some explaining to make sure there are very strong threads of truth about the past, about having certain supernatural gifts and about the ghostly parts of this book. And the words of wisdom about life from the dead celebs at The Academy: High School for the Recently Departed are right from their lips. I interviewed all of those celebs and went back to old tapes and transcripts to see what they thought about life, best advice, widsoms.
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
Ohhhhh, there is a scene in Ascenders 1 when Walker as a ghost goes to visit her mother and has to infiltrate her dreams. Really fun, as was her first big love scene with Daniel after riding a waterfall down into a lagoon. My characters are dead and have a reset. They can do very dangerous things without risk. There is a scene in book four that I love where they both jump off a mountain cliff and into the Northern Lights. And another I love when they go back to save John Lennon and stop 9-11.
How did you come up with the title?
It just came to me. An Ascender is a printing term. Think about when you were a little kid and teachers taught you to write your letters. There were two black lines and a dotted line between them. An Ascenders is something about that top line. That’s how I think about the in-between my characters inhabit in Ascenders. They are above the Living Realm in their own space.
If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?
Well, I do have to pick Daniel Reid, Walker’s bad boy, rebel love interest. He looks like a young David Beckham and is super sexy, protective, smart, and daring. I’d love to go on a motorcycle ride in an ice-storm with him as Walker does….or find out his true feelings in the House of Yearning. He’s the ultimate strong partner with a heart of gold.
If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
As someone who covers Hollywood, I’d love to have brand new actors play these leads. Okay, time to divulge something. Ascenders is being developed into a TV show!!!!!!!
What project are you working on now?
Adapting Ascender into a TV show and also Ascenders: X-Catcher (Book Five) is out this fall. The first spin-off, The Claires, just came out and covers one of the lifetimes of the four quadruplet sisters with different “clair” powers.
Do you have any other books coming out this year?
I have Ascenders: X-Catcher (Book Five) coming out at the end of October and I’m working on a sequel to The Claires.
Thank you so so much for interviewing me! I’d love to send your readers FREE copies of Ascenders 1. I can send you an ebook or PDF file. Thanks so much for reading everyone and please follow me on Instagram at CLGaber. xoxoxo
Please enter your name and email address, along with which book format you would prefer.

You can follow Cindy here:

Make sure you check out the Ascenders series.
My reviews are coming out this month.
Oh, and there is The Claires. Believe me, they are unforgettable. I find myself thinking about them occasionally now.

Prize: (5) Signed sets of the Ascenders series (books 1 – 4). In the US only. International winners will receive ebooks of the same titles.

A huge thank you to C.L. Gaber for agreeing to be featured on the Baroness’ Book Trove and for her generosity. I hope you all love her books as much as I do. Remember to watch for my reviews coming this month.
Until the next time, happy reading!

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