Bookmarked for Murder by V.M. Burns

Posted December 3, 2019 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Contest - Giveaway, Mystery, Review, Series / 0 Comments

Bookmarked for Murder by V.M. Burns

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Bookmarked for Murder by V.M. Burns

Bookmarked for Murder

by V.M. Burns
Series: Mystery Bookshop #5
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation on November 26, 2019
Genres: Mystery
Pages: 256
Format: Kindle
Source: Great Escapes Book Tours
Get Your Copy at: AmazonBook DepositoryBarnes & NobleKoboIndieBoundBooks-A-MillionHudson Booksellers
Also in this series: Wed, Read & Dead, Murder on Tour, The Next Deadly Chapter

Amateur sleuth Samantha Washington’s shopping trip to Chicago takes a deadly detour when a man is murdered on her bus . . .
After some post-Christmas retail therapy in the Windy City, mystery bookshop owner and historical whodunit novelist Sam Washington is returning home to North Harbor, Michigan, on a chartered bus. With Nana Jo and her gal pals Irma, Dorothy, and Ruby Mae from Shady Acres Retirement Village along for the ride, it's a lively trip. But one passenger is not so lively—a gentleman Irma befriended is found dead in his seat after an unscheduled stop. The ladies immediately shift gears to find out who punched his ticket, while Sam slips into the driver's seat to make sure Nana Jo and her crew steer clear of fatal conclusions . . .

Bookmarked for Murder by V.M. Burns is another fascinating tale of finding out whodunit with Ms. Burns. Sam, Nana Jo, and their quirky group of people are back to try and solve another mystery.

Can Sam find out who killed Irma’s gentleman friend before someone else is snuffed out?

What I liked:

  • Sam’s relationship with Nana Joy and Nana Jo’s friends. 
  • The way that she ends up always having to figure out who killed who
  • Sam’s relationship with Frank
  • Her writing finding its way into the story

What I disliked:

  • Some of the scenes were slow and didn’t seem like they were going anywhere
  • At times it seemed like Sam wasn’t relying on her instincts to help her out.

Four Stars

V.M. Burns has done another great mystery that weaves the historical book that Sam is currently writing with the mystery she is trying to solve. Sam ends up getting into a lot of trouble with Nana Jo, but I love it. I didn’t think it was who it ended up being. I am giving this book four stars and recommending it to all the cozy mystery readers out there.



Other Book in the Series:

The Plot is Murder by VM Burns 1 Red Herring Hunt by VM Burns 2 The Novel Art of Murder by VM Burns 3 Wed, Read & Dead by VM Burns



Prize:  (5) $20 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Bookmarked for Murder by V.M. Burns. Please take a look at the other tour stops and check out the giveaway.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


About V.M. Burns

VM Burns

V.M. Burns was born in Northwestern Indiana and spent many years in Southwestern Michigan on the Lake Michigan shoreline. She is a lover of dogs, British historic cozies, and scones with clotted cream. After many years in the Midwest, she went in search of milder winters and currently lives in Eastern Tennessee with her poodles. Her debut novel, The Plot is Murder was nominated for a 2017 Agatha Award for Best First Novel. Valerie is a member of Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, and a lifetime member of  Sisters in Crime.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2019 Cloak and Dagger
  • 2019 Craving For Cozies Reading Challenge
  • 2019 Cruisin' Thru The Cozies Reading Challenge
  • 2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge
  • 2019 New Release Challenge
Bookmarked for Murder by VM Burns 5

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