Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley ~ Spotlight

Posted October 3, 2024 by karenbaron in Blog Tour, Book Excerpt, Contest - Giveaway, Spotlight / 0 Comments

Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley ~ Spotlight

Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth PantleyMeditation and Mischief

Series:  Magical Mystery Book Club #7

Author: Elizabeth Pantley

Genre:  Cozy Paranormal Mystery

Setting: Resort on a Tropical Island

Release Date: September 30, 2024, by Better Beginnings, Inc.

Pages: 349


When this club selects a book, magic happens!

This book club does more than read their books – they are absorbed into them to become the amateur sleuths! In order to leave the book, they must solve the mystery and reach The End.

In this journey they travel to The Golden Island Wellness Retreat for yoga, meditation, workshops, and spa treatments. They’ll bond with nature and improve their spiritual wellbeing. They’ll find their inner peace – and a dead body, of course.

Graduates from an acting college have gathered at the retreat for their ten-year reunion. Old friends reconnect, but apparently, so have old enemies. The book club must evaluate the attendees to determine whose baggage has led to murder.

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Meditation and Mischief Covers



Frank strolled into the room, hopped up on the counter and stretched. His nose and whiskers twitched. “Ahhh, the life enriching aroma of fresh coffee. Which of my dear friends can I count on to prepare me a bowlful?”

“I gotcha, Frank,” said Forrest.

“While you’re at it, can you pour me a cup?” asked Sebastian, who was busy at the griddle whipping up a stack of pancakes.

“And me, please,” called Valeria over her shoulder as she took stacks of plates and bowls out of the cabinet.

The bustle of the kitchen continued until the counter was loaded with food and a second fresh pot of coffee was brewing. The peacefulness of last night had morphed into the high energy of anticipation that buzzed through the air. Today we’d pick a new book and embark on an unknown journey into a cozy mystery book. It was funny to think that in the old days a trip to the theater in the city, or a hike through the park were the only journeys I took. Now I knew I could land anywhere in the world – this world or another one – and I’d meet some kind of paranormal beings and be instrumental in solving a mystery. All with this motley group of people who’d become like family to me. Well … people, a talking cat, and a friendly ghost. My life had certainly changed.



Brunch was served and we sat around the table chatting and eating.

“I know your library has only cozy mysteries,” said Valeria. “But wouldn’t it be great to go into other kinds of books, too?”

“No,” said Zell, wrinkling up her face. “Cozies are all I ever read.”

“Wouldn’t you like to venture into a nice romance story?” Sebastian made kissing noises.

“Heaven forbid,” chortled Zell. “Any men my age would be wrinkled old prunes.”

Sebastian spit out his coffee, and several of us laughed along with him, including Zell.

“What about biographies about famous people, then?” asked Valeria.

“Boring.” Frank gave an exaggerated yawn.

“I’d enjoy a travel book,” said Moonbeam. “It would be fun to explore a new place without having the added stress of a mystery to solve.”

“If you mean tour groups and taking pictures of old cathedrals, count me out,” said Sebastian. “We get to travel to places not on any map or globe and meet paranormal beings! That’s far more interesting to me. I mean, we got to visit a sprite kingdom, Moon! How much better does it get than that?”

Moonbeam smiled. “I did love the fairies.”


By the time we dilly-dallied over our meal, caught up with everyone’s news, and had taken our time cleaning the kitchen, over two hours had passed. People were already filling small plates of food to carry downstairs to our book club meeting. We rarely had leftovers with this group.

Zell didn’t even wait for us to leave the kitchen before she pulled out her drum and slung it around her neck. She handed her plate to Sebastian and began tapping out a drumroll as she marched toward the basement door. Everyone followed her in a parade of excitement.

Forrest, Valeria, and Atticus had grabbed pairs of chopsticks and were tapping out rhythms on the end tables and coffee table. The fact that all of them were playing different rhythms didn’t seem to bother them at all.

Moonbeam began her ritual chant asking for the spirits of exploration and adventure to fill the room, and Sebastian joined her, while tapping out his own rhythm with a pair of spoons. Mollie swooped up to blow gently on the chandelier which added a pleasant tinkling to the diverse orchestra.

I made my way to the front and put my hand on the doorknob. All the tapping, chanting, and tinkling came to a halt, and an air of expectation surrounded us. I began the countdown, and everyone joined in.

“Five … four … three … two … one!”


Magical Mystery Book Club Series

Magical Mystery Book Club


About Elizabeth Pantley

Elizabeth Pantley

Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents, published in over twenty languages.

She simultaneously writes well-loved cozy mysteries: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book series and the Magical Mystery Book Club series.

Elizabeth lives in the Pacific Northwest, the gorgeous inspiration for the setting in many of her books.

Elizabeth Pantley Book 7-2023



Prize: $15 Amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tour Organized by:

Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours

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Thank you for dropping by! So, what do you think of Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley? Check out the other stops and enter the awesome giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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