Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley

Posted September 23, 2024 by karenbaron in Mystery, Review, Series / 0 Comments

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley

Meditation and Mischief

by Elizabeth Pantley
Series: Magical Mystery Book Club #7
Series Rating: five-stars
Published by Independently Published on September 30, 2024
Setting: Cascade Valley, Colorado; Tropical Island
Genres: Cozy Paranormal Animal Mystery
Pages: 327
Format: ebook, Kindle
Source: the Author
Get Your Copy at: Amazon
Also in this series: Shifting and Shenanigans, Vampires and Villains, Cowboys and Chaos, Bakeries and Buffoonery, Genies and Gibberish, Secrets and Scallywags, Hexes and Hooligans, Sprites and Scuttlebutt

When this club selects a book, magic happens!

This book club does more than read their books – they are absorbed into them to become the amateur sleuths! In order to leave the book, they must solve the mystery and reach The End.

In this journey they travel to The Golden Island Wellness Retreat for yoga, meditation, workshops, and spa treatments. They’ll bond with nature and improve their spiritual wellbeing. They’ll find their inner peace – and a dead body, of course.

Graduates from an acting college have gathered at the retreat for their ten-year reunion. Old friends reconnect, but apparently, so have old enemies. The book club must evaluate the attendees to determine whose baggage has led to murder.

Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley has the book club going to a tropical island for a college reunion.

Will the book club figure out this latest mystery?

The Book Club

The Snapdragon Inn Book Club is meeting to find another book to solve that mystery. Paige, Glo, and the rest of the group are excited to get started since they have all become friends during this wonderful adventure club. I have to say that I love the Book Club, as each member brings much hilarity. They also get serious when the situation calls for it.

The MysteryMeditation and Mischief CR

Paige, Glo, and the others have quite a doozy of a mystery to solve. Graduates from an acting community college are coming to The Golden Island Wellness Resort for some much-needed relaxation and to enjoy being back with old friends. The problem is that someone gets killed, and now the gang has to figure out what happened. Let’s say this one had me stumped on who did it, not only who did it but all the different plot threads as well. Ms. Pantley did a great job.

Five Stars

My rating for Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley is five stars. I also recommend this series to anyone who wants to start reading it. Ms. Pantley does a fantastic job of coming up with these stories and the rules for the book club. Another thing that she does well is keeping me guessing about what will happen next in each new installment I pick up. I can’t wait to see where the next adventure will take us.


Magical Mystery Book Club Series

Magical Mystery Book Club


Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature

Happy Reading!


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About Elizabeth Pantley

Elizabeth Pantley

Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents, published in over twenty languages.

She simultaneously writes well-loved cozy mysteries: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book series and the Magical Mystery Book Club series.

Elizabeth lives in the Pacific Northwest, the gorgeous inspiration for the setting in many of her books.

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Meditation and Mischief by Elizabeth Pantley

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