Elizabeth Pantley ~ About the Author

Posted October 19, 2023 by karenbaron in About the Author, Contest - Giveaway / 0 Comments

Elizabeth Pantley ~ About the Author

October’s featured author is Elizabeth Pantley

This month’s featured author is Elizabeth Pantley. Elizabeth’s books are amazing. I adore them. My mom teases me because once I start one, that is all I talk about for days. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors. I look forward to her books coming in.

Although she also published some nonfiction books earlier on. I am positive that she is going down in the history of authors as one best paranormal cozy mystery writers of the 2020s. There are a lot of them, but I have faith in her.

Let me introduce you to Elizabeth.

Tell us a little about yourself. Perhaps something, not many people know.

I’m a mom of four, all young adults now, who I gladly count as my friends. I began writing fiction in 2020. Before that, I never knew I could make up stories – except telling bedtime stories to my kids. Once I found that part of my hidden self, I never looked back! I’m writing my 14th novel now!

Which type of books do you read the most?

I’m a cozy mystery nut – especially paranormal cozies. Ghosts, fairies, shifters, vampires, witches – I love them all. I also read a lot of Women’s Paranormal Fiction. I feel like that’s cozy mysteries’ big sister.

My Mom would agree with you. I haven’t read many in the WPF, but I love a paranormal cozy.

What type of music do you listen to?

When I’m working, I listen to background focus music – birdsong, waves, rainfall. They don’t interrupt my process. When I’m cooking, I turn the volume up, and it’s 70s music or soft country!

What is the worst job that you have ever had?

I worked in a cafe when I was in high school. On my first day on the job, I was so nervous that I dropped a bowl of chili and made a huge mess – then had to clean it up while everyone watched. The job didn’t last long after that!

What kind of pets do you have? A Siamese cat?

I’ve had many pets in my life – yes, Siamese cats and other cat breeds, dogs, parakeets, guinea pigs, hamsters. I guess you can’t have four kids and not have pets! Now that my kids are out on their own, I’m keeping the house pet-free. I love pets but am loving my freedom right now!

Haunted MansionWould you rather live in a haunted mansion or an un-haunted cottage?

Oh, seriously, a haunted mansion! But only if it’s a friendly spirit!

Writing Style

What do you love most about your writing process?

I’ve learned how to write anywhere, any time. On a plane, on a boat, in a park, in a doctor’s waiting room. I used to require my quiet office, but find that working anywhere allows me to finish books so much quicker! I still love my quiet office, but anywhere I have my laptop, I can write!

Do you have a writing schedule?

Not really, though weekdays are most productive as that’s when the world is quieter, and I have fewer interruptions.

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym, or do you?

I’m proud of all my books, and so I’m always excited to see my name on the cover. Plus, how would people find my work if they can’t look me up on Google or Amazon?

What comes first for you, the plot, or the characters?

The plot is first. It starts out as a kernel of a story. Sometimes it’s the setting, other times, it’s the mystery. My main characters remain the same, so the new folks from the book introduce themselves to me once I arrive in the fictional setting.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story, or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story?Character Hijacking Plot

My characters always hijack the story! In one of my books, halfway through, I found out the murderer wasn’t who I thought it was! I was just as surprised as my readers are!

Do you choose the character names based on how they sound or their meaning?

I choose names appropriate to the setting and time frame of the story. For example, in Hexes and Hooligans, the characters are gnome-people. Gnomes have a rich German history, so I looked up popular German names and gnome-ized them!garden-gnome

Describe your writing space.

My desk sits in front of a window. I see the view in my peripheral vision even when I’m writing. I love to see nature and the sky in front of me. I have the world’s most comfortable desk chair, and I always have a cup of tea on my desk and a bottle of water.

Do you think that you will return to writing nonfiction books, at some point?

I don’t see that happening…but never say never! I’m having the time of my life writing novels. The paranormal element gives me tremendous creative freedom and any time I’m writing, it feels like I’m on vacation.

How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?

Quite a bit! I build the world and the story before I start writing the book. I need to figure out where we are, what’s happening, and where the story is headed before I begin the hard core writing.

What is your favorite cover out of all your books? Why is it your favorite?

Oh, my goodness! I have the best cover designer in the world – Molly Burton from cozycoverdesigns.com. Every single new cover she does for me, I think, is my favorite!

I couldn’t pick a favorite for your covers either.


How did you come up with the titles of your books?

Sometimes it’s harder to create a title than a whole book! I look for catchy, memorable words and phrases that give a hint to what the book’s about. I like fun, unique words, when they fit the book – Shenanigans, Buffoonery, Scallywags, and Scuttlebutt!

Can you share something about Frank the cat? Like how did he become the caretaker of the book club library?Frank the Cat

Ahhh, I can’t tell you without giving away the story that pops up in book 6!  ; -). My Beta Readers said they never saw that coming!

How do you come up with the stories that the Magical Mystery Book Club pops into?

Darn, if I know!!! I must have a special spot in my brain filled with magical story ideas.

Well, whatever you are doing is perfect. So, keep up the fantastic work.

How did you come up with the setting/world for Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic?

We’ve boated and vacationed in the San Juan Islands in Washington State many times. It’s one of my favorite places to visit. The lush vegetation, waterfalls, shorelines, and wildlife take your breath away. The small port towns are charming and fun. I used the islands as a base for the Destiny World of Destiny Falls.

San Juan Islands WA
Photo Credit: Clipper Vacations

What is your favorite part about working in the cozy paranormal mystery genre?

I can allow my mind to wander as far away from real life as it wants!

What was the highlight of writing this book?

I’ve enjoyed the book club group as they grow together and become more family than friends. The group is varied. It’s fun to see an 80-year-old woman team up with a teenage boy to solve a mystery!

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Everything I read, everything I see in movies, people on the streets, magazine articles, comments from reviewers – there are tidbits of inspiration everywhere.

Sprites and Scuttlebutt by Elizabeth PantleyWhat project are you working on now?

I’m well into writing book six in the Magical Mystery Book Club series. This one is called Sprites and Scuttlebutt! It takes place in an enchanted royal kingdom. You can see the fabulous cover on Amazon.

Do you have any other books coming out this year or next year?

Sprites and Scuttlebutt should come out early – by the end of this year, followed by a new book in the series a few months after that. I expect this series to last a long time – the book club has many journeys in their future.


Where to find Elizabeth on the web:

goodreads 96x96 Website 96x96 Newsletter2 96x96 facebook 96x96 instagram 96x96 pinterest 96x96 Blog 96x96Audible 96x96

To see my reviews of Elizabeth Pantley’s books, go HERE!

All of the books below are available on Amazon’s Kindle, some in paperback, a few in audio, and most on Kindle Unlimited.


Elizabeth Pantley's Books 10-2023



Prize:  Two free books in the Magical Mystery Book Club series: Genies and Gibberish, along with Hexes and Hooligans and a $15 Amazon gift card.

Get Genies and Gibberish here! Get Hexes and Hooligans here!


Thank you, Elizabeth Pantley, for stopping by to share your your time and give us all some insight into your writing and books. I am personally looking forward to Sprites and Scuttlebutt.

Until the next time,

Karen Signature




Elizabeth Pantley ~ About the Author

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