2025 Traveling the World Reading Challenge Tracking Post
This is a spin-off from Escape with Dollycas. I say that because I can’t seem to read every one of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. So, I decided to create my own, which allows me to read a number of my choosing. Challenge Runs from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025
Challenge – Pick the number of states and/or countries you think will be in the books you plan to read. Declare that somewhere and start reading. (No repeats counted – but you can keep track so you know which areas you read the most.) Books can be in any format: print, digital, audio, fiction, or non-fiction. (I only read fiction, but do what you must.)
I track it here and in a notebook, but feel free to do what is best for you. You can also check out Escape with Dollycas’ Literary Escapes Reading Challenge.

My goal this year is to read books set in 20 states and 3 countries before the end of the year.
2025 Traveling the World
Progress: 14/23 (61%)
1 January, 2025 — 31 December, 2025
In Progress
Alabama | Montana |
Alaska | Nebraska |
Arizona | Nevada |
Arkansas | New Hampshire |
California | New Jersey |
Colorado | New Mexico |
Connecticut | New York |
The Mystery in the Margins by L.L. Gray | |
Delaware | North Carolina |
Florida | North Dakota |
Georgia | Ohio |
Hawaii | Oklahoma |
Idaho | Oregon |
Illinois | Pennsylvania |
The Next Deadly Chapter by V.M. Burns | |
Indiana | Rhode Island |
Iowa | South Carolina |
Kansas | South Dakota |
Kentucky | Tennessee |
Louisiana | Texas |
Maine | Utah |
Maryland | Vermont |
Massachusetts | Virginia |
Michigan | Washington |
She Doesn't Have a Clue by Jenny Elder Moke | |
Minnesota | West Virginia |
Mississippi | Wisconsin |
Missouri | Wyoming |
International Countries
Taiwan – Ex Marks the Spot by Gloria Chao
Brazil – Temple of Swoon by Jo Segura

Jen’s goal this year is the same as Karen’s: to read books set in 20 states and 3 countries before the end of the year.
2025 Traveling the World JEN
Progress: 9/23 (39%)
1 January, 2025 — 31 December, 2025
In Progress
Alabama | Montana |
February Fever by Jess Lourey | |
Alaska | Nebraska |
Arizona | Nevada |
Arkansas | New Hampshire |
California | New Jersey |
Star-Crossed Egg Tarts by Jennifer J. Chow | |
Colorado | New Mexico |
Connecticut | New York |
Delaware | North Carolina |
Florida | North Dakota |
Georgia | Ohio |
Candle with Care by Valona Jones | |
Hawaii | Oklahoma |
Idaho | Oregon |
Illinois | Pennsylvania |
Indiana | Rhode Island |
Iowa | South Carolina |
Kansas | South Dakota |
Kentucky | Tennessee |
The Loathe Boat by Cindy Dorminy | |
Louisiana | Texas |
Maine | Utah |
Maryland | Vermont |
Massachusetts | Virginia |
Michigan | Washington |
Minnesota | West Virginia |
Mississippi | Wisconsin |
Missouri | Wyoming |
International Countries

Thank you for stopping by to see our progress on the 2025 Traveling the World Reading Challenge. Please feel free to check out our other reading challenges for this year. You can find them linked to the menu above.
Happy Reading!

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