Happy New Year

Posted January 11, 2016 by karenbaron in Uncategorized, Update / 0 Comments

Happy New Year 2016Oh my god my Happy New Year post is very late, by like ten days to which I am very sad about, but Happy 2016 to my wonderful loyal fans that have been through this whole journey with me. I am very happy to see how well my blog has done for the past, ALMOST TWO YEARS NOW, to which I am incredibly pleased to have all of you here with me.

Anyways I hope everyone is loving 2016 so far. I am pleased to say that I plan to read about 75 books this year. To which I am hoping to do. I am also thinking about doing more stuff for the blog later on but not quite sure yet. I am still getting used to it and I am grateful for these almost two wonderful years that I have been doing this book blog.

And I am thankful for all the wonderful book requests that I have been getting. I am also hoping that I will be able to do a better job with answering my emails and paying more attention to this book blog than I have in the past.

Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful 2016 this year and I hope that this year will be filled with a lot of awesome books for you to read!

Baroness Book Trove out!
